Genetic screening Level Objective Outcome E/D State what genetic screening is and what it is used for Completed worksheet and made list of the uses of genetic screening C/B Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic screening Worked in group to discuss the advantages and disadvantages A/A* Evaluate the use of genetic screening Completed questions in book Would you want to know if you had a genetic disorder or the possibility of passing a genetic order on? Why?
Genetic screening Many genetic disorders are the result of a mutation If the mutation occurs in a dominant allele, all individuals who posses this allele will have the disorder. If recessive, only individuals that are homozygous for that allele will exhibit the disorder. Heterozygous individuals will be carriers of the disease, they could pass the disease to their offspring if their partner is also heterozygous or homozygous recessive.
It is important to screen individuals who have a family history of the disease because they may possess a mutant allele. Once screened, the probability of having children with the disorder can be determined and parents who are at risk can seek advice from a genetic councillor.
What can genetic screening be used for? To test to see if a person is carrying the disease or will develop a disease – informs them for future choices To see if new-borns are at risk of a disease –sometimes the effects can be limited. During pregnancy, to see if the baby is at risk of developing a disease so the parents can be prepared.
Advantages and disadvantages Discuss different viewpoints, the person tested, their family, their children for the scenario you are given.
To do Page 29 Read through ‘implications of genetic testing’ Answer questions 5 and 6. I am interested in your ability to weigh up both sides of the argument and then justify your final conclusion.
Has your opinion changed? Why? Genetic screening Level Objective Outcome E/D State what genetic screening is and what it is used for Completed worksheet and made list of the uses of genetic screening C/B Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic screening Worked in group to discuss the advantages and disadvantages A/A* Evaluate the use of genetic screening Completed questions in book Would you want to know if you had a genetic disorder or the possibility of passing a genetic order on? Why? Has your opinion changed? Why?