A PBL Activity for Speed How fast are you? A PBL Activity for Speed
Challenge: How fast are you? Design your own speed experiment Must be something you can safely measure during class time Gather data about yourself and at least 2 of your classmates Present your results to the class
1 presentation per person RULES 1-2-3 1 presentation per person You must assist at least 2 people with their experiments (and you may assist more) Ask 3 – you must ask 3 people a question before asking me
REQUIREMENTS: Final product must contain… You will assist with the data gathering process for at least two other experiment other than your own An explanation of what you tested and how you ran the experiment Data tables (for you and the other 2 people you are testing) Graph(s) of the average speed of whatever is being done for– each individual’s data must be graphed Answer the Speeding Ahead questions
Things to think about… How will you measure the speed? What equipment will you need? Will you need any additional help from students other than the ones you are measuring? What do you predict will happen? What total distance will you cover? What are the different distances at which you will record times? Anything else???????
DEADLINES All testing must be finished by the end of class on Monday Presentations must be ready by the end of class on Tuesday Everyone must present within a time frame of 2-3 minutes on Wednesday
Before you present… Remember, speed is a RATE! Make sure in your presentation you include… You must have 2 things to compare for it to be a rate. Time is a typical component of a speed. Examples: 56 words 2 characters 1 minute 1 second What your experiment was The RATE you measured Who helped you with your experiment The materials you needed The constants What surprised you about your experiment, changes you had to make, etc. What you would or could do differently Data table & Graph