Warm Up What is Exemplification? What is Compare/Contrast? What is Cause and Effect? What is the Time period for Realism?
After the Quiz Read about Emily Dickinson in your textbook Write down 2 very unusual things about her and anything else that you find interesting. Make sure you read carefully!
Emily Dickinson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4WwhOd k_Eg Write down 2 discussion questions from this video. You will be called on to ask the rest of the class. So be PREPARED.
Emily Dickinson http://video.about.com/poetry/Poet--Emily- Dickinson.htm (shorter and more traditional documentary)
Dickinson’s STYLE Her Poetry is VERY unique and Personal – Just like her observations about the world! 1) QUATRAINS -4 lined stanzas 2) SLANT Rhyme -words that don’t exactly rhyme 3) Irregular capitalization and INVERTED syntax 4) Surprisingly unconventional figurative language (similes, metaphors, and personification)
As we look at this next poem Figure out what figurative language is used… What is her style? What are some things that are similar and/or that are different from Whitman’s style? Write down and annotate on the poem as we go along!
“Because I could not stop for death” He kindly stopped for me- The Carriage held but just Ourselves- And Immortality. We slowly drove- He knew no haste And had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility-
We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess- In the Ring- We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain- We passed the Setting Sun Or rather- He passed Us- The Dews drew quivering and chill- For only Gossamer, my Gown-My Tippet only Tulle
We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground- The Roof was scarcely visible- The Cornice- in the Ground- Since then- ‘tis Centuries- and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses’ Heads Were toward Eternity
1. What are some observations about her style that you notice? 2. What about diction? 3. What are some examples of slant rhyme? 4. What are some examples of personification? What is she personifying?
What is this poem about? Which lines indicate that the speaker is leaving her life behind? Do you like her style? How is it different from Whitman?
Major things to look for.. 1) Dashes (what do they mean?) 2) Inventive Sentence Structure? Inverted? 3) Irregular Capitalization 4)Figurative Language (metaphor)
Closure Write down your own 4 lines of a poem in the style of Emily Dickinson. **Choose an abstract concept to personify. Focus on the style that she portrays through her poems… Simple, yet creative. Include a metaphor and a slant rhyme.
Activity With your Group- you have 7 minutes- to go back through this poem with your brightly colored sticky notes- and write down a different example of each type of figurative language-”slant rhyme” “metaphor” etc. Post it under the correctly labeled poster. The team with the most and CORRECT sticky notes- gets extra points!
Discussion Questions with your Group- What are the elements of STYLE that you see? How is this poem related to the Realism time period? What specific imagery do you see? How does Dickinson take a seemingly insignificant topic/theme and make it extraordinary?