DISORDERS OF THE EYE Conjunctivitis Glaucoma Cataracts Sty Eye injury Color blindness
CONJUNCTIVITIS Pink eye Inflammation of conjunctival membranes in front of eye Redness, pain, swelling and discharge Highly contagious Rx – antibiotic eye drops
GLAUCOMA Excessive intraocular pressure causing destruction of the retina and atrophy of the optic nerve Caused by the overproduction of aqueous humor, lack of drainage, or aging Symptoms Develop gradually, mild aching, loss of peripheral vision, halo around light Tonometer Measures intraocular pressure Rx – drugs or laser surgery
CATARACTS Lens of eye gradually becomes cloudy Frequently occurs in people over 70 Causes painful, gradual blurring and loss of vision Rx – surgical removal of the lens See figure 10-8 pg. 194
STY Hordeolum Abscess at the base of an eyelash in sebaceous gland Symptoms – red, painful, swollen Rx – warm, wet compresses See figure 10-10 pg. 195
EYE INJURY and COLOR BLINDNESS Glass or fragment in eye Rx: cover eye and seek medical help, do not remove the object Color blindness Cones affected Genetic disorder that is carried by female and transmitted to males
VISION DEFECTS Presbyopia Hyperopia Myopia Astigmatism Diplopia – double vision Strabismus
PRESBYOPIA Lens loses elasticity, can’t focus on close or distant objects Usually after age 40 Rx – bifocals
HYPEROPIA Farsighted Focal point beyond retina, eyeball too short Convex lenses help
MYOPIA Nearsighted Eyeball too long Concave lenses help
ASTIGMATISM Irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, causing blurred vision or eye strain Rx – corrective lenses
STRABISMUS Cross-eyed Eye muscles to not coordinate their actions Usually in children Rx – eye exercises or surgery
TOOLS Ophthalmoscope Snellen eye chart Instrument for viewing inside the eye Snellen eye chart Chart that uses letters or symbols in calibrated heights to check for vision defects
DISORDERS OF THE EAR Hearing loss Otitis Media Otosclerosis Tinnitus – ringing of ears from impacted wax, otitis media, loud noise, etc.
HEARING LOSS Hearing is fragile, loud noise over period of time can cause hearing loss Symptoms – tinnitus (ringing in ears) and difficulty understanding what people are saying
OTITIS MEDIA Infection of middle ear Often complication of common cold in children Rx – antibiotics Myringotomy Tubes inserted through tympanic membrane to relieve pressure
OTOSCLEROSIS Chronic , progressive middle ear disorder Stapes becomes spongy and then hardens, becoming fixed and immobile Rx – stapedectomy (treatment of choice) Total replacement of stapes
TYPES OF HEARING LOSS Conductive hearing loss Sensorineural damage Sounds prevented from reaching inner ear For example: wax, fluid, or abnormal bone growth Sensorineural damage Problem with inner ear and/or auditory nerve Rx is cochlear implants for profound deafness
DISORDERS OF THE NOSE Rhinitis Inflammation of lining of nose with congestion, drainage Cause – allergies, drugs, infection, odors, etc. Rx – eliminate cause, antihistamine