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Managing the STC Position
Education Technology Teacher Carolyn McCoy Education Technology Teacher STC Lead
This Session is limited to STCs
Welcome Sign In Sheets Location of restrooms, vending and teacher lounge Food and drink: Clean up after yourself.
JCPS PD Procedures will be followed Those arriving more than 15 minutes will not admitted. Pets, children and those not employed by JCPS will not be admitted. This is JCPS policy due to liability issues.
Description of Today’s Session STCs will share ideas for managing their role as the STC. The group will share how they manage their school’s inventory and how they prepare for the Readiness Report. Other duties include managing Student Usernames and Passwords & Resetting Student passwords, 21st century skills testing, installing print drivers, maintaining and troubleshooting the equipment in their building.
When you need Help Email: JCPS-STC-Elem Russ Hockenbury and I are the ETTs assigned to support the STC’s. Sharepoint site: http://jcps.me/ces Call 3552 or place a new incident request online at http://jcps.me/help
Beginning of the Year Procedures Who can help you?
Management of Service Request How to submit? Who can submit service request? Keeping a log of calls When too much time has passed When equipment is removed from your building
Management of School When others need help?
Inventory Student computers Staff and teacher computers Software Equipment iPads
Managing Student Usernames and Passwords for each classroom and the computer lab
Resetting Student passwords SAM
21st Century Skills Testing Contact Pam Howell Diana Sterling
Maintaining and troubleshooting the equipment in their building. Projectors Smart boards Document camera