The Great Gatsby
Inherited wealth When families have had money for three or more generations Money is not a big deal because it has always been in their family. People from old money are considered to be classic, conservative, traditional, and less modern
The Rockefeller's The Vanderbilts Kennedys Carnegies
Money acquired in a persons lifetime or generation Emphasizes idea that an individual was previously part of lower socioeconomic rank The new money has allowed the individual to acquire goods or luxuries that were previously unattainable Can be seen as a derogatory term for the purpose of social class distinction
Movie stars Musicians Professional athletes Lottery Winners
Directions: Look at the pictures given to you. Each one represents a characteristic of either old money or new money. 1. Number your paper 1-13, and then label whether each picture is old money or new money. 2. Explain whey EACH picture represents old money or new money.