Minds-On I want you to go through the commas worksheet. I want you to go through the homework. What made the essay strong? What made the essay weak?
Was the proposal modest? To know what satire is. To understand what made a Modest Proposal satirical. To be able to analyze the rhetorical devices, tone, coherence and irony used in Jonathan Swift’s Modest Proposal. Tone; Coherence; Irony; Rhetorical Devices; Figures of Speech
Have you heard of prezi? https://prezi.com/h2shklzdwplb/a-modest-proposal/ Prezi can be a unique way to present your ideas; however, it can be cumbersome, and presenters can go “overboard” with animated features of the program. Make it simple if you use it.
Tone: the author’s attitude toward his or her subject; imagine the “tone of voice” an author would use to read the essay aloud Hints: Be sure that: When you discuss tone, you are talking about a specific attitude the author has toward the subject being discussed Offer a specific writing technique the author used to create the tone; choose from diction, examples or rhetorical devices You quote an example from the passage that proves your observation is valid – write out quote in full sentences Explain how the technique helps to achieve the tone
Coherence: Writing techniques used to “tie together” the various parts of the piece. Effective writers create coherence by using the following techniques: Purposeful Repetition of a word, idea, image, etc. Transition Words such as initially, therefore, furthermore, however, nevertheless, consequently, finally These words move ideas smoothly from one to the next. Hints: Be sure that: When you discuss coherence, you are discussing a specific method the author uses to move smoothly from one idea to the next You quote more than one example from the passage that proves your observation is valid; more than one example proves that parts of the essay are being linked together Explain how the examples link parts of the writing together
Meaning of Orwellian According to Wikipedia The adjective Orwellian refers to these behaviours of The Party, especially when the Party is the State: Invasion of personal privacy, either directly physically or indirectly by surveillance. State control of its citizens' daily life, as in a "Big Brother" society. Official encouragement of policies contributing to the socio-economic disintegration of the family. The adoration of state leaders and their Party. The encouragement of "doublethink", whereby the population must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent, e.g. giving up liberty for freedom. Similar terms used are "doublespeak", and "newspeak". The revision of history in the favour of the State's interpretation of it. A (generally) dystopian future. The use of euphemism to describe an agency, program or other concept, especially when the name denotes the opposite of what is actually occurring. E.g. a department that wages war is called the "Ministry of Peace"