Ratios and Proportions GEOMETRY LESSON 8-1 Pages 418-421 Exercises 1. 1 : 1000 2. 1 : 370 3–11. Answers may vary. Samples are given. 3. 3b 4. 5. 6. 4 3 b a 7. 8. 4a 9. 10. 11. 12. 4 13. 1 14. 4 7 b + 4 2 15. 6.875 16. 7.2 17. 7.2 18. 7.5 19. 14 20. 7 21. 125 mi 22. about 75 mi 8-1
Ratios and Proportions GEOMETRY LESSON 8-1 23. about 135 mi 24. about 67.5 mi 25. 18 in. by 22.5 in. 26. 13 : 6 27. 5 : 4 28. 4 : 3 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Check students’ work. 35. 6 36. 32 37. 16.5 38. 6 39. 4 40. 41. 7 42. 43. 16 cm 44. 0.348 in. 45. 9; 18 46. 9; 12 47. 8; 21 5 48 7 3 9 4 30 18 b 2 12 19 25 8-1
Ratios and Proportions GEOMETRY LESSON 8-1 48–51. Answers may vary. Samples are given. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Elaine did not convert units, and thought the ratios equaled 1. 53. or 54. or 55. b d a c c + 2d 8-1
Ratios and Proportions GEOMETRY LESSON 8-1 a b c d 56. = (Given); ad = bc (Cross-Product Prop.); bc = ad (Symm. Prop. of =); = (Div. Prop. of =); = (Simplify) 57. = (Given); ad = bc (Cross-Prod. Prop.); = (Div. Prop. of =); = (Simplify) 58. = (Given); + 1 = + 1 (Add. Prop. of =); + = + (Subst.); = (Simplify) 59. x = 5; y = 24 60. x = 3; y = 15 61. x = 3; y = 21 62. C 63. G 64. D 65. H 66. [2] a. = (OR equivalent proportion) b. 135 km bc ac ad ac b a d c a b c d ad cd bc cd a c b d a b c d a b c d 2.75 16 23.2 x a b b c d d a + b b c + d d 8-1
Ratios and Proportions GEOMETRY LESSON 8-1 66. (continued) [1] incorrect proportion OR incorrect distance 67. 60% 68. 25% 69. parallelogram 72. rhombus, parallelogram 73. I and III 74. II and III 75. a. If an is not acute, then it does not measure between 0 and 90. 70. trapezoid 71. rectangle, parallelogram 8-1
Ratios and Proportions GEOMETRY LESSON 8-1 75. (continued) b. If an does not measure between 0 and 90, then it is not acute. 76. a. If two lines are not ||, then they are not coplanar. b. If two lines are not coplanar, then they are not ||. 77. a. If two are not compl., then the are not both acute. b. If two are not both acute, then they are not compl. s 8-1