DeLaura Middle School Home of the Scotties
What can you expect at DeLaura? More freedom for students – requires more responsibility Regular communication from administration and teachers 360 days of school before high school Nurture students, but begin preparation for high school Middle school is the time to learn from mistakes before it counts in high school Parents are welcome and wanted on campus Many ways to volunteer Chaperones PTO
Registration for rising 7th Graders Scheduling packets and course request forms have been provided to students. DMS guidance counselors are currently traveling to feeder schools to meet with students and collect course request forms. School Registration will be held on SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd 9- 2. Students will receive paperwork packet in the next few weeks.
Core Classes 7th grade students will take next year….. English Language Arts* Math* Science* Civics* *Student placement in core classes will be based on prior achievement and teacher recommendation.
Language Arts Language Arts 2 Language Arts 2 Advanced Language Arts 2 SALT Required Application Intensive Language Arts – in addition to Language Arts Individualized instruction in ELA skills Placement is based on prior student achievement/proficiency. If your student is recommended for ILA you will receive information through the mail in June.
English Language Arts Content Focused on teaching the Florida Standards Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Grammar Teachers utilize the Collections textbook along with class novels and outside resources Students will also complete projects and book studies each term Independent reading is strongly encouraged Reading Counts points required each term Technology incorporated into Language Arts program Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)
Mathematics Math 2 Math 2 Advanced Math 2 SALT Algebra 1 Honors Application required Algebra 1 Honors High School Credit – Qualifying test administered to select students. Algebra 1 Honors SALT
7th grade Math opportunities Algebra Honors: A high school level math course that requires several nights of HW each week. Students will take an EOC exam in May in lieu of the Florida State Assessment. 7th grade Advanced Math: this course covers 7th grade and 8th grade standards. This fast paced course prepares students for Algebra as an 8th grade student. Students will take FSA in May 2020. 7th grade math: Grade level appropriate material focused on 7th grade Florida standards. Student will take FSA in May 2020. Tutoring is available to support individual student needs. Summer Math Camp (last week of June) ; information will be sent to our feeder schools in the next couple weeks.
Science Comprehensive Science 2 Comprehensive Science 2, Advanced Comprehensive Science 2, SALT Requires an application
Science Content includes: Scientific Method Theories/Laws Heat/Energy Waves Environmental Impacts Earth Evolution Human Sexuality Genetics
Science Related Clubs STEM Club Lego Robotics Science Bowl
Civics (End of Course Exam) Civics, Advanced (End of Course Exam) Social studies Civics (End of Course Exam) Civics, Advanced (End of Course Exam) Civics, SALT (End of Course Exam) Requires an application
Electives Physical Education (PE) – Required Band Chorus Orchestra Science Research (application) Creative Writing Coding Fundamentals Spanish I and II (High School credit) TV Production (application) Yearbook (application) 2D Studio Art Semester Electives – Consisting of exploring 2D art, business applications, exploratory technology, forensics and culinary careers
Electives Our music program consists of varying levels of Band, Orchestra, and Chorus. All 3 disciplines have received superior ratings at District Festivals and have received State recognition as well. Programs consistently perform in community and state events. Summer Band and Orchestra camp.
Electives Science Research: Highly successful program at the district and state level. Research 2 and Research 3 are offered. Art: Year-long and Semester. Great opportunity for beginners and advanced art students. CTE: Business 1 and 2 (Microsoft office), Exploratory Tech (hands-on), Culinary Careers (kitchen and classroom), Digital Information Technology (certification course for high school credit, Microsoft office, year-long). TV Productions: School wide announcements, interviews, etc. Yearbook: State recognized, student led product, attend campus events.
SPANISH I Spanish 1 is a very rigorous High School Credit class and the grade that your child receives will be calculated into their High School GPA. Students are taught all forms of communication from reading to writing to speaking. Students learn to talk about themselves, friends, school, family, ordering food and many other topics.
Assistance with Academics Individual student/teacher tutoring opportunities Power Hour (Fridays) One hour of non-classroom time for students to seek academic assistance. Teachers are available during that hour for assistance. Great time to complete assignments/assessments Open computer labs Media Center is open for student use.
Extra Curricular Activities Basketball (August) Track (January) Cheerleading
Keep your eye out for…. DeLaura on Display will be held on 3/27 at 8:45. Please call between 3/12 and 3/25 to reserve a spot. Important information and dates will be communicated to elementary schools and placed on the DeLaura website for parents:
DeLaura Middle School Welcomes You! Questions? Please contact our Guidance Department Cathryn Thornton– 8th Grade Counselor ESE Contact/Department Chair Katie Mancini– 7th Grade Counselor Ericka Gaudy– Guidance Service Professional/504 Contact/Gifted Contact Rosemary Drury – Guidance Clerk