Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions I. Mexico’s History A. Early Civilizations 1. Native peoples first grew corn in Mexico about 7,000 years ago. a) They also grew other foods which became staples, or foods that can be eaten regularly, such as corn, squash, chilies, and avocados. b) Farming allowed people to produce food surpluses, or more than they needed to survive. c) Surpluses helped people specialize in jobs other than getting food. 2. About 3,000 years ago, the Maya formed the major civilization in the region.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions a) Lowland plains of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and in what is now Guatemala and Belize. b) One feature of their culture was great cities (pyramids with temples on top). c) Complex system of writing, astronomy, and calendar making. d) Height of their civilization was A.D. 300 – A.D. 900. 3. The Aztec ruled the region next. a) They settled in Central Mexico in about A.D. 1300. b) The capital was Tenochtitlán, later to be known as Mexico City. c) Built on an island in the middle of a lake, it was connected by causeways. 4. The Aztec had a complex social and religious system. a) They conquered many of their neighbors and made them slaves.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions b) Aztec religious leaders held rituals including human sacrifice in the belief it would please their gods. c) They built up land in the lake called chinampas in which to grow crops. B. The Spanish Arrive 1. Around 1520, Hernán Cortés led a small force of Spanish conquistadors, or conquerors, to Mexico. a) Within 2 years, the Spanish had defeated the Aztecs and had taken their land. b) Spanish had better weapons, the horse, and antibodies for major European diseases. c) Cortés allied himself with the Aztec enemies. 2. Winning the Aztec empire brought the Spanish many riches in gold and silver.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions a) The conquest completely transformed life in Mexico. b) Roman Catholic priests converted native peoples to Catholicism c) Conquistadors forced natives to work on their farms or in mines. 3. Under colonialism, one nation takes control and dominates its government , economy, and society. C. Independence and Conflict 1. After almost 300 years of Spanish rule, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo led a rebellion in Mexico in 1810. a) Goal was to win independence and create a more equal society in Mexico.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions b) The Spanish captured and executed Hidalgo, but Mexico won its independence in 1821. c) Throughout the 1800s, Mexico was troubled by political problems and the population remained poor. D. Revolution and Stability 1. By the early 1900s, dissatisfaction was widespread. a) A revolution, which is a period of violent social and political change, erupted in Mexico. b) Big farms were separated into smaller farms and given to poor farmers, public schools were established, and a new constitution was written. II. A History of Central America
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions A. Early Civilizations and Conquest 1. The Maya had flourished in Guatemala and Belize, as well as in southern Mexico. a) Even after abandoning the Mayan cities, groups still lived in the area. b) By the 1560s, the Spanish had taken control of most of Central America. c) In the 1800s, Britain control the land which is now Belize. B. Independence 1. Central America gained its independence soon after Mexico.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions a) By 1823, the Central American countries all united to form one government. b) By 1840, these countries separated into 5 different countries; Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvadore, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. c) Belize was still a British colony and Panama was part of Columbia. 2. Central American countries were subjected to economic colonialism which means that foreign interests dominate a people economically. a) Large companies from other countries. b) They set up plantations, or large farms. c) The poor would work the farms and produce cash crops, or crops sold for profit. (bananas, coffee, sugarcane, etc.)
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions 3. Heading the government at this time were military strongmen known as caudillos. a) The caudillos helped the foreign companies. C. Conflict in Modern Times 1. Around 1900, Panama gained its independence from Columbia. a) Aided by the U.S. because the U.S. wanted to build the Panama Canal. b) The U.S. controlled the canal until 2000. 2. The late 1900s was a time of conflict. a) The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. b) The region was ravaged by civil wars.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions c) Only Costa Rica and Belize remained peaceful. d) Costa Rica’s president, Óscar Arias Sánchez, helped bring peace to the region. III. History of the Caribbean Islands A. Indigenous Peoples and European Settlers 1. Europeans changed how the Indigenous people lived. a) Native peoples suffered from European diseases. b) Overwork and starvation also reduced their numbers. c) The Spanish set up colonies on Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. d) The French set up a colony in Haiti with the British and Dutch setting up colonies on smaller islands.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions B. Colonialism 1. During the 1600s, the Caribbean colonies became the center of the growing sugar industry. a) Because so many Native Americans died, the Europeans started bringing enslaved Africans to the Americas to work. 2. The term Columbian Exchange refers to the transfer of plants, animals, diseases, and ideas between Europe, Asia, and Africa on one side and the Americas on the other. a) EX: wheat, grapes, apples, cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses Americas. b) Ex: Corn, chocolate, potatoes and tomatoes the rest of the world.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions C. Independence 1. The first area to gain independence was Haiti or Saint Domingue. a) Dominican Republic 1844, Cuba 1898 b) After the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico passed into American possession. c) The rest of the Caribbean islands did not win its independence until the middle of the 20th century. D. Turmoil in the 20th Century 1. Independence did not mean freedom or prosperity.
Ch. 7 L. 2 History of the Regions a) Haiti and the Dominican Republic have poverty problems. 2. Cuba was subjected to dictatorial rule following its independence. a) In 1959, revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro took over. b) Castro set up a communist government which involves government control over all areas of society. c) Cuba did not receive economic success. 3. The other Caribbean Islands have their own difficulties. a) Many of these islands depend on aid from the countries that use to own them as colonies.