Critical Thinking No tricks today. You can all figure this out,


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Thinking No tricks today. You can all figure this out, but you’ll have to examine a text closely. I’ll give you five minutes today so you can explore the text a bit more. No cheating. No talking.

The paragraph on the next slide is most unusual The paragraph on the next slide is most unusual. can you figure out what is so unusual about it? It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is Extremely unusual though. Why? 

What is so unusual about this passage? "Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill's manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway's night shopping crowds. Gatsby, walking towards that group, saw a young girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soulful oration... "  The above passage is taken from the book "Gatsby" written by Ernest Vincent Wright in the late 1930's  What is so unusual about this passage?

The letter "E" is the most commonly used letter in the English language, but in the whole passage, there was no "E" used. It is virtually impossible to find a passage of this length without a single “E” used. The Answer

Goals for the Day I can identify infinitives within sentences and recognize their function. I can recognize how narration can be an effective mode of support within an argumentative essay, and I can develop an argument using narration as the primary mode of delivery.

Extra Credit Opportunity Read a text from the AP Literature Book List. Complete the AP Literature Data Sheet. Provide evidence that your actually read the book, as needed. 2% increase to quarter grade for first book May complete 2 more for 1% increase each All assignments must be turned in to receive extra credit. Extra Credit Opportunity

Data From Final Exam

Week 16 – Vocabulary Remember, you’re responsible for studying vocabulary each week. You might want to make flashcards to help you study. Some of you are beginning to see the value of working on this. I’d recommend beginning to put your flash cards in two piles. First pile – words you know well and know you will get correct every time. Study rarely – maybe one quick look per week. Second pile – words you still struggle with. Study these often – once or twice a day. AS you improve with the second pile, beginning move cards to the first pile. You might also begin adding some words that pop up on AP MC or in texts we read on your own. The more you know the better! Vocabulary Quiz #16 will be on Friday – all words from week 1- 16 will be fair game.


Let’s Try It

Discuss Infinitives for Processing Partner for processing. Be sure both partners understand the definition of infinitives and what function they can serve. THEN, practice with your partner. Follow the steps for partnering for practice. Be sure both partners feel confident with infinitives. Remember, if you have questions: 1. Ask your partner. 2. Refer back to the book or worksheets (look it up). 3. Ask me. Discuss Infinitives for Processing

Get in groups of preferably 3, 4 if necessary – move quickly and take your stuff with you. Get on Google Classroom. Open the Narration Essays. As a group decide if you want to read a single essay silently and then answer questions about it as a group OR if you want to read all three essays silently and then answer questions about all three. EITHER WAY: READ SILENTLY AND PROCESS WHAT YOU’RE READING. As you work, the goal is to understand and see how narration can be an effect mode in supporting an argument. Look for similarities among the three texts. Narration as a mode

Narration Essay We are going to be exploring various issues in education in upcoming weeks. Your assignment for today is to practice using narration as a mode to develop an argument. Choose one of the following educational issues to write about, then develop your own argument on the issue using narration as the primary mode of delivery. Remember you will develop your own claim on the issue you choose: 1. All Schools Should Provide Students with Art and Music Instruction. 2. Teachers Should be Allowed to have guns at school to protect students. 3. Homework Should be Banned. 4. Students Learn and Behave Better when Wearing Uniforms. 5. University Education Should be Free in the United States. 6. All Classrooms Should Have Closed-Circuit Cameras. 7. More needs to be done by teachers/schools to prevent bullying. 8. Emphasis on standardized testing is improving public education in the United States. If you are struggling with this, consider modelling your writing after one of the three essays we explored in class.

Homework Complete the in-class mode questions on Google Classroom if your group did not complete them together. Write an argumentative essay using the mode of narration to develop your support. A clearer explanation is on Google Classroom as: “Modes: Narration Essay.”

Wednesday – I’m Out For Meetings Process Analysis – Repeat the process Get in groups of at least 3 and no more than 4 – move quickly and take your stuff with you. Get on Google Classroom. Open the Process Analysis Essays. As a group decide if you want to read a single essay silently and then answer questions about it as a group OR if you want to read all three essays silently and then answer questions about all three. EITHER WAY: READ SILENTLY AND PROCESS WHAT YOU’RE READING. As you work, the goal is to understand and see how narration can be an effect mode in supporting an argument. Look for similarities among the three texts. Warning: The essay about embalming titled “Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain” could be a little gruesome for some of you. If you find that it’s just too much to stomach, read the other two and see if you can find an essay online that uses process analysis as it’s core mode. Wednesday – I’m Out For Meetings