Unit 2 Colonization and Global Slave Trade
The Aztec Empire The Aztecs built one of the largest cities in the world. (Tenochtitlan, where Mexico city is now) Extensive use of canals allowed for easy movement of people and food. Huge temples for human sacrifice.
The Line of Demarcation In 1493 Pope Alexander VI created an imaginary line know as the Line of Demarcation. All lands west of this line were now Spain’s. Lands to the east were Portugal’s. The age of exploration had made Spain and Portugal global superpowers. Treaty of Tordesillas
Conquistadors Conquistadors (conquerors) were Spanish soldiers and fortune hunters who setout to conquer the new world for Spain. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=cortez
Hernando Cortes In 1519 Cortes and 600 Conquistadors landed in modern day Mexico to search the Aztec empire for gold. Aztec emperor Moctezuma II mistakenly believed that Cortes was a god and allowed him into his palace. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=cortez
Aztec Gold Montezuma shared gold with Cortes as an offering. Cortes and the conquistadors captured Moctezuma and forced the Aztecs to mine more gold and silver for Spain. In 1520 the Aztecs revolted, Moctezuma was killed, and Cortes was driven from the capital city.
Aztec Defeat Small pox ,superior Spanish weapons and tactics resulted in the defeat of the Aztec empire. The indigenous people (native or first people) were dying by the thousands from contact with the Spanish conquistador's invasion of their land.
Small pox It is believed that small pox killed millions of the indigenous people of the Americas. (close to 90% of the population) Unlike Europeans, Africans, and Asians who had developed immunity over hundreds of years the Native Americans had not.
Missionaries With the Spanish conquistadors traveled Catholic missionaries to spread Christianity by converting the Indigenous people of the new world.
Jesuits Catholic missionaries known as Jesuits traveled throughout the new world spreading their faith. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=Jesuits#selItemsPerPage=20&intCurrentPage=0&No=0&N=21&Ne=13&Ntt=Jesuits&Ns=&Nr=&browseFilter=&indexVersion=&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode%252Bmatchallpartial
Encomiendas The encomienda system had native people working on plantations or in mines for Spanish landlords. Hard and dangerous work often resulted in the death of the native people.
Bartolome de Las Casas Dominican monk Bartolome de Las Casas was a vocal critic of the Spanish encomienda system. His writings shared the horrors that the native peoples endured working for the Spanish.
Francisco Pizarro In 1532 Francisco Pizarro and 200 conquistadors conquered the Inca Empire in Peru and killed its ruler Atahualpa. Spain continued to expand its empire. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=pizarro
Vasco de Balboa In 1513 Balboa and his men marched across the isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean.
English East India Company Joint Stock company The East India Company traded mainly in cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpeter, tea and opium. The Company was granted a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth in 1600 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company
Jamestown Colony 1607 England founded their 1st permanent colony at Jamestown. After years of failure looking for gold the colony became profitable by growing and selling tobacco. English settlers pushed Native Americans off their land more than the French settlers did. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=Jamestown
Sir Walter Raleigh Organized the failed attempt of an English colony at Roanoke Island North Carolina. Had success importing tobacco from Virginia to England.
Pilgrims In 1620 English settlers known as Pilgrims established the Plymouth colony. These colonists came seeking religious freedom rather than profit.
Triangular Trade Route Triangular Trade, so called because it had three sides. 1. Manufactured goods from Europe were shipped to Africa for trade. 2. Slaves were sent from Africa to the Americas for trade. 3. Raw materials from the Americas to Europe for trade. http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g5s_u3/index.html
Transatlantic Slave Trade Plantation agriculture in the Caribbean and the Americas demanded large amounts of labor. Because native peoples of America did not survive the labor, Europeans turned to enslaved Africans. Millions of people were sent to the Americas as slaves and African societies were devastated.
Middle Passage 1619 a Dutch trader sold the 1st slaves in Virginia. The “Middle Passage” was the horrible journey from Africa to the Americas by boat. Cramped, in irons, slaves suffered terribly and many died.
Samuel de Champlain French explorer known as the “Father of New France”. Founded Quebec City. French settlers lived with the Native Americans more than the English settlers did.
Zheng He The voyages of Zheng He were from China to India, Arabia, and eastern Africa. Everywhere Zheng He went he distributed gifts to show Chinese superiority.
Dutch Colonization Dutch trading companies traded around the world. The Dutch, English, and French overseas empires were surpassing Spain and Portugal. Dutch Colonization
Ottoman Empire From the 13th to 20th century Ottoman Turks dominated much of the Middle East and Southern Europe.
Dutch Colonies in America The Dutch built a fort and the New Amsterdam colony on the Hudson River . England soon captured the colony and named it New York. Today this is home to lower Manhattan and “Wall Street”. http://www.thirteen.org/dutchny/interactives/manhattan-island/