Historical Fiction Novel Unit Monday, October 29
Do Now Go to the first fresh piece of paper in your journal Title it Historical Fiction On the next page, start your table of contents On the 3rd page, title it Sentence Starters, then copy the sentence starters that are on the next slide onto that page
Homework None
Reflective Journal Writing Sentence Starters I think ... I wonder ... What puzzles me is ... I am unsure about ... What's interesting is ... What's hard about this is ... One place where I will grow is ... A strength for me is ... Something I need to work harder on is ... It was great when ... I was surprised that ... I learned ... I already knew about ...but learned that ... Others say/do/think/want ... I am concerned that ... I am affirmed when ... I feel secure when ... It's okay that ... I think what will happen is ... This is different because ... I feel connected when ... It made me think of ... I could visualize ... I figured out ...
What aspects of historical fiction make it a unique genre? Reflective journal writing Same as a quickwrite and you must write something (not just IDK) Title your page What is Historical Fiction? Write the question below and respond to it on page 4 (left-hand page) of your reflective journals: What aspects of historical fiction make it a unique genre? (Write the prompt on the first few lines of the page, then respond by quickwriting actual sentences, not IDK) Unique= different than the rest Genre= type of literature The Giver and Gathering Blue were both consider fantasy or science fiction
Rate your knowledge Now, rate your knowledge using the categories below. Write the corresponding number at the bottom of your RJW page 1 I already know a great deal about the historical fiction genre. 2 I know a few things about the genre. 3 I have no idea about the genre and no prior exposure to it.
A class roster will be passed around A class roster will be passed around. Please write your knowledge number on the roster. Your number will not determine whether you are grouped with your friends or not Everyone likes different types of books, so your number does not determine how smart you are, just what you have been exposed to
Place this paper in the basket as you leave Novel Choices As you pass the roster around, I will show you the novel choices for this unit. On a scrap piece of paper write Your name 1st choice novel 2nd choice novel 3rd choice novel Place this paper in the basket as you leave
Historical Fiction Novel Unit Tuesday, October 30
Do Now: What is Historical Fiction? Open your journal to page 4 You should have the question above as the title for that page. Write a definition in a complete sentence.
Homework None
Grouping Mrs. Huffman will now place you in groups of three and give you a folder. Inside you will find examples of historical fiction and non-examples of historical fiction You will complete the chart given to your group. Write all group members names on the chart– you will only need to complete one per group
After the chart is completed… do the following: Compare and contrast the various aspects of the examples and nonexamples in your group folder. This step is group discussion and each person taking notes in his/her journal Record in your reflective journal (p. 4)the aspects/criteria of examples and nonexamples that your group used to complete your comparisons. Everyone needs to do this in their journal Use your comparisons to develop a small-group working definition of historical fiction. Write this definition in your journal.
Definition sharing, discussion, and consensus. Reconvene as a whole class and we will share our small-group working definitions. We will discuss the various definitions and then combine and refine them as necessary to create a whole-class working definition of the historical fiction genre. Record the definition in your reflective journal, writing it on page 4 of your journal and surrounding it with a box. This definition is what we will use from now on.
Thank you. Have a nice day!