Is living for that story better than living without? Discussion Topics Many of us live our lives based on some type of story. Do you live your life based on a story? Is living for that story better than living without?
Discussion Topics continued Do you think that people without a narrative to guide their lives are missing out on something bigger or better?
Discussion Topics continued Are some stories more believable than others? Does that matter?
Discussion Topics continued When someone tells a story, why are we entertained by it?
Writing Prompt Consider the novels you have read for pleasure or for school assignments. Perhaps there is one that may have been a favorite, or especially memorable. Did this favorite novel mix truth with fiction?
Summary Writing Prompt We began class thinking about the novels you have read in the past and how they may have woven as story from fact and fiction. Then we discussed the elements and definition of a novel. Based on the summary of Life of Pi, how do you think the story may be based in fact and fiction? How does Life of Pi fit our definition of a novel?