By: Jessica Anderson & Bud Weyland Farmer’s Reaction Farmer’s Reaction
Deflation’s Affect on Farmers High tariffs of manufactured goods Farm prices were decreasing in reaction farmers incomes were also decreasing Monopolies caused unfair prices of transportation of goods As the worth of the dollar fell debts rose. Farmers would have to pay more back for loans than they originally borrowed.
Two Groups that Farmers felt Cheated by The banks The railroad The banks would foreclose many farms The banks would give loans when crop prices and land prices were high Due to deflation the banks caused the farmers to go into debt The railroad would charge high to transport the crops
The Crime of ‘73 When America embraced the gold standard The use of silver was stopped Silver was higher than the market price The dollar was now linked to a metal in which the supply ran out Prices on everything went down but there was a 1% deflation each year between 1875 and 1896
The Grange The Order of Patrons of Husbandry The nations oldest agricultural organization Established in 2,700 local communities, 37 states and had over 200,000 members Founded on Washington DC in 1867 on December 4th
The Grange Began in 1888 in McPherson, Kansas Farmers Alliance Began in 1888 in McPherson, Kansas It is now offered in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota. Began as a fire insurance agency for the farmers
Also known as the populist party People’s party Also known as the populist party In 1892 the party was official as a merger from the Farmers’ Alliance and the Knights of Labor