Created by Teri Thomsen 2014; Revised 2015 Welcome! Welcome slide…display prior to start time while teachers are entering room. 2015-2016 New Hire Orientation Created by Teri Thomsen 2014; Revised 2015
Planning Your First Week New Hire Orientation 2015-2016 Teri Thomsen, M.Ed. District Mentor Westview High School Welcome again to TUHSD…very glad to have you here! You are in the session for Planning Your First Week. This session will be a working session where the bulk of your time will be spent planning. I will serve more as a facilitator to help you manage your time, answer questions you may have, or assist you with your planning. Created by Teri Thomsen 2014; Revised 2015
What can I do to PREVENT disruptions before they start? Ask T to think for about 10-15 seconds about the S behaviors that tend to disrupt instruction the most. Don’t give them long…make it intentionally short because this isn’t the focus. Advance slide. Now, ask T to think of ways they can prevent disruptions before they start. Give T about 15-20 seconds. Pass out yellow slips of paper while T are thinking. What can I do to PREVENT disruptions before they start? Created by Teri Thomsen 2014; Revised 2015
Ticket Exchange Name One way I can prevent disruptions BEFORE they begin. Introduce Yourself Name School Content Exchange papers & share your strategy Find new partner & repeat process Return to seat after you have talked with 5 people Have T write their name and one way they can prevent disruptions before they start on the paper. Give them a minute or so. When they are done, advance the slide and walk them through the rest of the directions. Give T about 5 minutes to rotate through (might be a little bit longer or a little less depending on how fast they talk). When everyone is seated, explain that having them return to their seats tells you they are done…a good strategy to use in the classroom. Tell them to return the paper they have to it’s owner and return to their seats again so we can move on. Before moving on to next slide, explain this is a good strategy to use to get S to know each other. They might consider incorporating this into their lesson plans in the first week to help S get to know each other.
Our objectives today are designed to help us plan for success.
T will create their classroom norms and expectations.
Keep calm and follow the procedures T will create their procedures and routines.
Create consequences T will create their consequences
Plan Ahead Finally, you’ll work on your lesson plans for your first week of school.
Lesson plan: focus on building community and rapport (15 mins) Norms (10 mins) Procedures (10 mins) Consequences (10 mins) Lesson plan: focus on building community and rapport (15 mins) Provide agenda; time is monitored but just as a gage. When I progress to next slide, feel free to continue working where you are or stopping and moving onto next topic. Pass out Planning HO Pull out materials (index card from give one get one) and HOs from PFS to assist you.
Created by Teri Thomsen 2014; Revised 2015 Actively Engaged in Our Learning Take Care Needs w/o Disruption For our S, high expectations are the key to everything. It works the same here… Briefly remind T this is the same as the PFS session. Respect Rights of Others; Honor Their Contributions Silent Cell Phones Created by Teri Thomsen 2014; Revised 2015
Remind T about this from PFS Remind T about this from PFS. Ask them to consider what their norms will be and how many they will have. Share that research suggests they should be relatively simple and few in number. Give T 10 minutes using the HO provided.
Remind T about this slide from PFS Remind T about this slide from PFS. Have them create their classroom procedures on the handout provided. Give T 10 minutes using the HO provided.
Remind T about this portion of PFS. Share the process most campuses operate under before S can be sent to discipline… 3 strikes your out Direct violation of safety or district policy (S handbook) Give T 10 minutes using the HO provided.
Lesson Planning Give T remaining time to work on LP using HOs from PFS. Direct them to templates under S drive. Suggesting using template for entire week with focus being building community and rapport.
What was the most valuable for you in this session What was the most valuable for you in this session? What questions do you still have related to planning for first week? Name & Campus Door Slap In last 5 minutes of session, have T write their name and campus on a post-it and then respond to the two questions. Tell them to slap their post it on the door on their way out of the room. (Stand next to door when they release to “reinforce” accountability for door slap, modeling as you would in your classroom.)
Closure…thank you for being here and remember is there is anything I do for just call or send me an email, or contact your campus teacher mentor.