Meet Mr. Gerry…. gerrymandering A Close Read
Instructions As we answer questions about the texts, please try to be specific in your answers. Go back to the text and find words and phrases that help you answer the question. Everyone’s eyes should be on the text when a question is asked. There is no need to raise hands, because everyone will be called on at some point. Also, make sure to discuss each question with your group. If someone answers a question and you have additional thoughts, please tell us. Make sure to mark up the text as we go through it, this will make your assessment much easier. You will notice line numbers. These will help us focus our analysis. Many questions require evidence from multiple areas.
Text- Dependent Questions How often are votes redistributed and how are they redistributed? Using evidence from the text, why does Draper in line 24 call redistricting “insidious”? Based on lines 28- 34, what is Hofeller’s job according to Draper? According to the text, what “extraordinary lengths” have Democrats gone to in order to keep redistricting in their favor?
Text- Dependent Questions What example(s) does Draper use to show that redistricting is sometimes “puzzling”? In line 104 the phrase “the former quietly destroys the latter”. What does this mean? How has the Supreme Court viewed redistricting? In line 143, Tanner calls redistricting “irrational”. What evidence does he use to support this? Redistricting should be left to whom, according to the article?
Text- Dependent Questions According to Hofeller, what are the real reasons politics has become so polarizing? In lines 5- 6, Draper says that “Hofeller takes up anew his quest to destroy Democrats”. What reasoning does Draper use to support the claim that Hofeller sets out to “destroy” democrats? In the following video clip, how would Hofeller respond? Why? 37:25- 41:15
Writing Assessment Task: TYPE a five paragraph essay on Robert Draper’s article on gerrymandering. In your essay you need to use evidence from the reading that supports your claim on the following question: Does gerrymandering hurt American politics? Also make sure to Provide reasoning why your evidence supports your claim. Finally, make a counter claim to your argument from the article. Fill out the essay template to help you organize your thoughts before you write your essay.