Graphical Analysis – Uniform Acceleration Homework: Graphical analysis worksheets
Average Velocity from any d-t graph Vavg from any d vs. t Graph How do we get Avg. Velocity from any Position vs. Time graph during time interval : d t t1 t2 Secant Δt = t2 – t1 Take the slope of Secant between the two time boundaries
Instantaneous Velocity from any d-t graph Vinstantaneous from any d vs. t Graph What is the Instantaneous Velocity from Displacement v. time graph ? d NO TIME INTERVAL INVOLVED t t We obtain Instantaneous Velocity from the above graph at only one point by the slope of tangent at that point
Average Velocity & Instantaneous velocity Average velocity, , is found by finding the slope of the straight line connecting two points on the graph Instantaneous velocity, . is found by finding the slope of the tangent on
Ex. 1: For the following d-t graph, a) determine the average velocity from 0 – 2 s, and from 2 – 5.5 s. b) Determine the instantaneous velocity at t = 2 s, and at t = 12 s