3.7 Forgiving the inside, healing the outside There were four friends who went to Jesus’ house. They wanted Jesus to heal the cripple man they were carrying but, there were so many people there that the friends couldn’t carry the crippled man to Jesus so they cut a hole in the roof above Jesus.
Jesus then told the man his sins are forgiven and the people in the house were confused because only God can forgive sins.
Jesus knew what the people were thinking and said “I will show you the son of man can forgive sins here on Earth” so Jesus told the man to get up, pick up his mat and go home. The man did what Jesus said and the people watched and were amazed because the have never seen anything like that before.
Meaning of 3.7 The meaning of the story is Jesus is God and he can do anything on earth just like he does in Heaven. Jesus came to restore our spiritual relationship with God
3.8 God’s Blessings Jesus took his disciples on the side of a mountain and he taught them there. He taught his disciples about God’s blessings and what kind of people he blesses.
God blesses people: who depend only on him who grieve who are humble who want to obey him who are merciful whose hearts are pure who make peace who are treated badly for doing good God will also bless you when people insult you, mistreat you and tell all kinds of lies about you because of him.
3.13 A Matter of Choice Jesus was teaching his disciples and in his teaching he said “a man who obeys and follows him is like a wise man who built his house on solid rock. The rain poured, the rivers flooded and the wind blew, beating against the house but it did not fall because it was built on solid rock.” Then Jesus said “Anyone who hears my teachings and does not obey them, are like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain poured, the rivers flooded and the winds blew against the house. Finally the house fell down with a crash.”
3.30 The Story of the Lost Son The story is about a man who had two sons. Both of his sons worked in the field for their father. one day the youngest son packed all his belongings and left for another country. The oldest son stayed with his father and worked as a servant in the fields. The youngest son had lost all his money to prostitutes and had nothing to eat. So the son went to a man and worked for him but, he had to eat what the pigs ate. He then thought that his fathers servants have food to eat but he is starving to death. So the son went back to his father and his father was so happy his son was back so he threw a feast. The older son was angry he didn’t want to celebrate the return of his brother.
Modern Story A Navajo man had two sons. One of the sons wanted his share of his fathers ranch. The father split part of his ranch between his two sons. After the youngest son got his part of the land he sold his land to another Navajo. After selling his land he quit his job and had no more money left. He spent all his money on gambling. He didn’t obey his father like the other son did. The son left his fathers ranch and moved to Gallup. He thought he could find a job to make money but he just became a drunk and he lived on the streets. He wanted to live a better a life so he went back to his fathers ranch. His father saw him walking and he ran to him and gave him a big hug. The son told his father he does not deserve to be treated as his son, but his father forgave him. His father threw a feast for him and his older brother was angry.
Main Point The main point of the story is Jesus is our father. If you leave him he won’t try to kill you, he’ll wait for you to come back