institutional games – group project Unit 4 - institutions institutional games – group project
Directions: In groups of 2 or 3, students will create a playable game based on Ch. 13 (Congress), Ch. 14 (The Presidency) & Ch. 16 (The Judiciary). This game can take any format (online, board game, trivia game, card game, etc.). It must be complete with all game pieces, directions on how to play, and a complete collection of question and answer cards (totaling a minimum of 40 q/a cards). You will need to reexamine the resources on my Weebly Page under Unit 4 to help create in-depth questions & answers for each of the 3 chapters in helping you create the necessary 40 q/a cards.
Assessment (80pts. ) 1. ) Content - 40pts Assessment (80pts.) 1.) Content - 40pts. Game contains 40 q/a cards with complete content from each of the 3 chapters - 40pts. Game contains 40 q/a cards with somewhat complete content from each of the 3 chapters – 20pts. Game contains 40 q/a cards with inadequate content from each of the 3 chapters - 10pts. 2.) Components - 20pts. Game contains all of the necessary components (game pieces; directions; 40 q/a cards) - 20pts. Game contains some of the necessary components (game pieces; directions; 40 q/a cards) - 15pts. Game contains very few of the necessary components (game pieces; directions; 40 q/a cards) - 10pts. 3.) Effort & Creativity - 20pts. Game exhibits tremendous effort & creativity - 20pts. Game exhibits adequate effort & creativity - 15pts. Game exhibits very little effort & creativity - 10pts. Schedule Day 1 - Create 40 q/a cards; brainstorm concept idea for game; start constructing game Day 2 - Create 40 q/a cards; continue constructing game; create directions Day 3 – Continue writing 40/q/a cards; continue creating directions; continue constructing game Days 4 – Complete directions, 40 q/a cards, & game construction