ANEMIA: SYMPTOMS, TREATMENTS, CAUSES & MEANING Members: Alexi Tan, Marti Yumul,Thea Banson,Bea Punzalan,Ria Villon,Clarissa Sandejas,Robyn De Guzman
MEANING & CAUSES OF ANEMIA ANEMIA is a condition in which your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells. Some causes of Anemia are: Blood loss Decreased or faulty Red Blood Cell reproduction Destruction of Red Blood Cells Lack of HEMOGLOBIN, the protein which gives the Red Blood Cells their red color.
SYMPTOMS OF ANEMIA Fatigue,decreased energy, shortness of breath, lightheadedness Palpitations (feeling of the heart racing or beating irregularly), Looking pale With severe anemia symptoms may include: chest pain, angina, or heart attack ,dizziness ,fainting or passing out ,rapid heart rate
SIGNS OF ANEMIA Some of the signs that may indicate anemia in an individual may include: Change in stool color, including black and tarry stools (sticky and foul smelling), maroon-colored, or visibly bloody stools if the anemia is due to blood loss through the gastrointestinal tract, Rapid heart rate Low blood pressure, rapid breathing , pale or cold skin , Yellow skin called jaundice if anemia is due to red blood cell breakdown, Heart murmur, Enlargement of the spleen
TREATMENTS OF ANEMIA AND There are many treatments for Anemia. But the easiest ways are: Consumption of Iron-rich foods AND Consumption of Vitamin B-rich foods FUN FACT! Iron Deficiency Anemia is the most common type of anemia.
QUESTIONS! 1. What do you call the protein that gives red blood cells there red color? ANSWER: HEMOGLOBIN 2. What is the most common type of anemia? ANSWER: IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA 3. Give 3 symptoms of anemia. ANSWERS: FATIGUE,DECREASED ENERGY, WEAKNESS, ETC...
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