Mrs. Norton English 10 Cohasset High School


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Norton English 10 Cohasset High School The Epic of Gilgamesh Mrs. Norton English 10 Cohasset High School

Literary Characteristics of Epics… A long, narrative poem that tells the story of divine beings and people fighting a war or taking a long and arduous journey.

Literary Characteristics of Epics… Epics were originally sung to an audience. Epics revolve around the struggles and exploits of an individual hero. Epics deal with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance.

Literary Characteristics of Epics… Typically, an epic includes several features: Stylistic conventions such as an invocation of a Muse Introduction of supernatural forces that shape the action Conflict in the form of battles or other physical combat

The History of Gilgamesh Discovered by British archeologist Austen Henry Layard in 1839 when excavating Assyrian mounds Over 25,000 tablets found and brought back to British Museum Tablets written in Cuneiform (wedge shaped) writing of Sumerians

The History of Gilgamesh “Gilgamesh Cycle” structured as a poem of twelve songs of about three hundred lines each, inscribed on 12 separate tablets Many tablets incomplete, but other versions were found at other archeological sites Different versions used to piece together as much of the whole epic as possible, but some parts are still unclear/missing

The History of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh was a real King who ruled Uruk around 2700 – 2600 BC Probably led an expedition to bring back timber from the North (timber was not a resource in the plains of Mesopotamia) Known as a great builder

Gilgamesh Plot Structure: Quest 1 The Forest Journey: 3 Levels of Purpose for the Journey: To obtain cedar to build temples and building For Gilgamesh and Enkidu to have an adventure and gain fame To fight the evil Humbaba on behalf of the god Shamash

The Forest Journey: Outcome Success? Humbaba is killed Many cedars are obtained to build a huge gate for Uruk Gilgamesh and Enkidu gain fame and glory Failure? Humbaba’s death enrages the god Enlil Gilgamesh’s glory brings unwanted attention from the goddess Ishtar

Insulting Ishtar: Gilgamesh spurns Ishtar’s seduction and recounts her unsuccessful relationships (page 86-87) Enkidu insults Ishtar after killing her bull (page 88)

Two angry gods = One dead human

Gilgamesh Plot Structure: Quest 2 The Search for Everlasting Life: Purpose for the Journey: To mourn death of Enkidu To discover the secret of immortality

The Search for Everlasting Life Gilgamesh searches for the one human who has been given immortality: Utnapishtim (the Mesopotamian Noah) He must travel to the gate of heaven (Dilmun), which is also the gate of the underworld

The Search for Everlasting Life, The Story of the Flood, and The Return Put the following events from the above chapters in the proper order: Gilgamesh meets the half man-half scorpion couple at the gates. Gilgamesh travels 12 hours through the dark, dark mountain. He meets Siduri, the wine maker, who gives him directions. The ferryman has Gilgamesh cut long poles for the journey across the ocean. He hears the Story of the Flood. Utnapishtim gives Gilgamesh a “sleep” test, which he fails. Utnapishtim’s wife convinces him to give Gilgamesh a parting gift. The serpent steals “The Old Men are Young Again” plant Gilgamesh and the ferryman return to Uruk