EDU 210: Children’s Literature Day 1, Feb, 11, 2014
Day / Time: Time: Wednesday 6:00-7:50pm Location: Mattson Hall 104 Instructor: Dr. Katrina Imison-Mázy Office: Mattson 113 Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10:00-11:00 or by appointment Phone: 507-933-7440 (Office) 507-720-7169 (Cell) E-mail: Moodle site: 2014-s-edu-210-001
Basic Expectations
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Assignment #1: Attendance, Professional Participation & In-class Activities Due: Weekly attendance and participation are required Assignment #2: Weekly Readings & Reader Response Journal Due: Weekly Assignment #3: Course Book Club – “Good Reads” Website Assignment # 4: Final Project
Introductions Quick Write: Introductions: What do you hope to get out of this course? Complete: “Children’s literature is….” Introductions: Activity: Find your partners (cards are color-coded!) After you find your group members share your responses to the quick write prompts.
Small Group Activity Create a web, concept map or Circle Map for the concept of “children’s literature” Use chart paper & markers provided! Record group members’ names on chart! Use words &/or images! In groups create a definition of children’s literature. Children’s literature is…Children’s literature is not… Be prepared to share your ideas with the class!
Next Week!
Next week! Readings: Norton: Ch. 1 Tatar: Introduction; pp. 1-13 In Class Activities: Reader Response Journal (RRJ): Entry 1 Good Reads Website: Assignment handout Discussion Groups, Readings & Homework: Generating questions from our readings