Conscience Front Sheets Syllabus Today’s Agenda… To examine common views of the nature and role of the conscience To know what synderesis means and where it is used To consider its relevance to our decisions
Syllabus Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: • the different views of the conscience as God-given, innate or the voice of reason or instilled by society, parents, authority figures; • whether conscience is a reliable guide to ethical decision-making; • the views of Augustine, Aquinas, Butler, Newman, Freud, Fromm, Piaget. Candidates should be able to discuss these views critically and their strengths and weaknesses.
Common Views Watch the following video. Complete the following sentence with discussion. A 6 year old. A Hollywood actor in a cheesy romcom. The Pope. An atheist. A scientist. Your Mum. Daivd Cameron. thinks a conscience is…
Common Views So who is right???
Use of Conscience Synderesis – There is no Hebrew word for conscience in the Hebrew Scriptures. The Greek word for conscience- ‘synderesis’ is found only once in Wisdom 17:11. The closest to it is ‘heart’: ‘Oh that today you would hear His voice and harden not your heart’ (Ps. 95:8).
Common Views Conscientious objectors refuse to fight in wars. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights refers to “The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”
Reflective Summary Key Questions Is it right to do what we really believe or feel is right, even when that differs from what others believe ( always, sometimes, never)? Should we ever go against our conscience? Can conscience be wrong? What has the feeling of guilt got to do with conscience? What is its function in ethical decision-making?