The Nervous System Notes Keys Chapter 25 Communication & Control – The Nervous System Shepherd Spine Center Lesson 2, Tasks 1 & 2
Chapter 25 Section 1 1. central nervous system and peripheral nervous system 3. Set this up like 8th grade physics formulas: speed = distance/time 0.1 seconds
Chapter 25 Section 1 4. Arrows should point toward the body of the cell. 5. You wouldn’t be able to move or to feel anything. 6. somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system 7. Lifting the pizza to your mouth and chewing are voluntary. Digesting the pizza is involuntary.
Chapter 25 Section 1 8. Sympathetic and parasympathetic 9 Chapter 25 Section 1 8. Sympathetic and parasympathetic 9. voluntary movements 10. The left hemisphere because it mainly controls activities such as reading and writing. 11. To keep track of your body’s position and to help you keep your balance.
Chapter 25 Section 1 12. medulla 13. cerebrum 14 Chapter 25 Section 1 12. medulla 13. cerebrum 14. The vertebrae of the skeletal system protects the spinal cord of the nervous system. 15. By using proper safety equipment.
Chapter 25 Section 1 Review 1 Chapter 25 Section 1 Review 1. The central nervous system (CNS) receives and interprets messages from the peripheral nervous system (PNS). It also sends signals back to the PNS to tell the body what to do. The PNS carries information between the CNS and the body.
Chapter 25 Section 1 Review 2 Chapter 25 Section 1 Review 2. First row blanks = central nervous system, peripheral nervous system. Second row blanks = autonomic nervous system Bottom row blanks = parasympathetic nervous system
Chapter 25 Section 1 Review 3 Chapter 25 Section 1 Review 3. Dendrites bring information to the cell body. Axons carry information away from the cell body. 4. An injury to the spinal cord can block messages to and from the brain. A person with a spinal cord injury may not be able to move parts of his or her body or feel pain, touch, or temperature.
Shepherd Spine Center Task 1: Know Your Spine brain, spinal cord, nerves A. movement, balance B. pain, pressure, difference in internal environment and external environment 3. brain, banana
Shepherd Spine Center Task 1: Know Your Spine 4. millions 5. cars 6 Shepherd Spine Center Task 1: Know Your Spine 4. millions 5. cars 6. injury, stops/blocks messages like a wreck stops traffic 7. vertebrae
Shepherd Spine Center Task 1: Know Your Spine 8. Labeling spine
Shepherd Spine Center Task 2: Know Your Brain left hemisphere = movement of right side of body, reasoning, speaking, writing, number skills right hemisphere = movement of left side of body, insight, imagination, music, art, 3-D awareness
Shepherd Spine Center Task 2: Know Your Brain 2. Across the top = occipital, parietal, frontal underneath = temporal Frontal = thought, reasoning, behavior, memory, smell, movement Parietal = intellect, thought, reasoning, memory, sensation Temporal = hearing, emotion, behavior, memory Occipital = vision
Shepherd Spine Center Task 2: Know Your Brain 3 Shepherd Spine Center Task 2: Know Your Brain 3. Underneath the lobes of the cerebrum, coordination and timing 4. Connects brain to spinal cord (underneath cerebellum), controls breathing, blood pressure, responsiveness