Elements of Gothic Literature For 2 minutes, write about whatever this image brings to mind for you.
Setting ·Settings most often include large, drafty old houses that have "been in the family for years." ·Since castles in the American landscape were practically unheard of, early Gothic fiction writers began substituting the family estate for the traditional castle. ·An atmosphere of mystery and suspense ·Words designed to evoke images of gloom and doom: dark, foreboding, forbidding, ghostly, etc List three examples of a gothic setting which could be found near us.
Tone ·Words designed to evoke images of gloom and doom: dark, foreboding, forbidding, ghostly, etc · Tales include highly charged emotional states like: terror, a feeling that one is on the brink of insanity, anger, agitation, an exaggerated feeling of some impending doom, and obsessive love. ·Omens, foreshadowing, and dreams usually play a large role in the mysterious air that is created within the story. How does this image portray a gothic tone? Give at least three examples.
Plot ·A ghostly legend, an unexplainable occurrence, or a story about a horrible death or murder that took place at the family estate in question. ·Supernatural events: ghosts, doors that open themselves, unexplained sounds, etc ·Damsels in distress are frequent. Women who are frightened and confused, wandering around lost, or dying due to a slow and unexplainable ailment. Write a three sentence plot for this image using gothic characteristics.
Characterization ·Characters are often presented as insane, dead or dying ·There are also good and handsome heroes, terrified heroines and, of course, an evil character Give a one paragraph description of this gothic character. Is he good and handsome, insane, or evil? What makes him so?
Theme ·The most common themes seen in Gothic Literature are -examining the human heart under conditions such as; -fear -greed -vanity -mistrust -betryal List three changes the human heart may go through when feeling one of the emotions above.