The Mediterranean Countries Cultures & Cuisines| Chapter 30| Mrs. Otos
Geographic Features & Climate of Spain Is a Peninsula Meseta Plateau Hot dry summers, mild winters Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.
Geographic Features & Climate of Italy Is a Peninsula Very Mountainous Dry Summers Cool Rainy Winters Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.
Geographic Features & climate of Greece Mountains - Dry soil Valleys – Fertile soil Warm Summers Mild Winters Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.
Agriculture of Spain & Italy Farming Fishing Italy Farming – North Olives - Central Raising Cattle Cheeses - South Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Agriculture of Greece Greece Livestock - sheep Fishing Farming Olives/Grapes Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Culture, Religion & Holidays of The Spain Lots of Wars Democratic Government Religion & Holidays Christianity Fiesta of San Fermin Running of the Bulls Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Culture, Religion & Holidays of Italy Religion has large influence Contributed a lot to art and literature Religion & Holidays Roman Catholic Pasqua (Easter) Festa Dei Morti (All Souls Day) Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Culture, Religion & Holidays of Greece Split History Ancient & Modern Eras Lots of influence on art, literature and mythology Religion & Holidays Greek Orthodox St. Basil’s Day (Easter) Many Harvest Festivals Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Not as spicy as Mexican food Cuisine of Spain Not as spicy as Mexican food Use spices to enhance natural flavors Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country.
North – mild flavors, uses butter Central – rich dishes Cuisine of Italy Colorful & Fresh North – mild flavors, uses butter Central – rich dishes South – spicy, uses olive oil Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country.
Created first cookbooks Simple, fresh ingredients Cuisine of Greece Created first cookbooks Simple, fresh ingredients Start of Mediterranean cuisine Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country.
Meal Patterns of Spain & Italy 4-5 Meals/Day Desayuno Amuerzo – 2nd breakfast Comida Merienda Cena Italy 3 Meals/Day Breakfast Lunch – Biggest Meal Dinner Desserts of fruit and cheese Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Meal Patterns of Greece 3 Meals/Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner – Largest Meal Mezedhes – early pm appetizers Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.
Cooking Methods Simmering – heating a liquid mixture to just below the boiling point (Spain & Italy) Frying – cooking in a small amount of fat (Italy & Greece) Baking – cooking by dry heat in an enclosed space, such as an oven (Greece) Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline.
Cooking Equipment Mortar & Pestle Name that tool: Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline.
Cooking Equipment Double Boiler Name that tool: Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline.
Cooking Equipment Clay Pots Name that tool: Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline.
Cooking Equipment Gyro Broiler Name that tool: Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline. Gyro Broiler