-12 x 18 construction paper variety of colors Egyptian Art and Cartouche Art Lesson Grade: 5 Activity: Name and symbol cartouche Keywords: Cartouche and Symbolism Supplies: -Cartouche Template (5.5” x 14”) -12 x 18 construction paper variety of colors -Black/gold scratch paper-cut into an oval -scratch art tools (wood and metal clips -blank paper for practice -black markers -glue -hieroglyphics alphabet sheets -Art blurb Art Guide Prep: Using the provided template, copy the cartouche onto the 12 x 18” construction paper. The black scratch paper comes in 8.5” x 11”, you can get two ovals out of that size: cut down the middle so it’s 4.25” x 11”. Use Template to cut the oval. Make sure there is enough symbol sheets for each student in class. Make copies of the art blurb. Hands On Art: Hand out the Egyptian alphabet, symbols sheets to students for them to review. Once they have identified the letters in their name have them practice draw on a separate piece of paper. That way they can work on their size and spacing. Explain that Egyptians often stacked their symbols or pictures instead of writing left to right. Pass out the scratch board and styluses. *Explain to students that they need to press hard to scratch off the black top layer, but not too hard or it will scratch off the gold underneath the black. If the wood tools won’t work, try metal clips (provided) Have them etch their name (scratch off the black) revealing the gold color underneath and a boarder.
Finish and Display: Examples: 7. Have students pick the color they want of the Cartouche template. Glue black scratch paper to the cartouche Using a black marker, have students draw symbols that relate to them around the edge of the cartouche. Cut around the cartouche Sign name on back Finish and Display: Glue blurb to the back Make sure name is on back Hang outside classroom on Art board Examples: Revised August 2014