Self Evaluation of AoR Essay Complete this evaluation on a separate piece of paper preferably include a printed rough draft (make corrections in a bright color).
Grammar and Pronouns Watch out for pronouns: No I, me, my No You, your We, Us, Our Look for Let’s Watch out for these singular pronouns: Someone, Anyone, Somebody. Someone is amazing when (they / he or she) helps another student NAFW = Not Appropriate for Formal Writing Circle and note in the essay as NAFW Answer: he or she.
Grammar – Dependent Clauses 3. If your sentence starts with one of the following, you need a comma. If Because Although Since Even though As When While As if 4. The previous words do not receive a comma when they appear in the middle of sentence. What is in read, highlights the grammatical structure. For help refer to screencast:
Grammar – To Be 5. Watch out for the little verb: Is / Are Was / Were Some synonyms that may work: equals, proves, reveals, demonstrates, equates,
Grammar – Commas 5. Where do commas go? No Comma in the Date 15 March 2014 Comma after the following: Sign Posts/Signal Words First of all, / Secondly, Fancy FANBOYS However, Moreover, Thus, Comma before the following: Comma FANBOYS … awesome, and he loves…
Essay Unity: Number each of the arguments or reasons listed in the thesis. Does each paragraph start with a sign post? List them: If the essay does not state a specific age, give the paper back to its owner. Complete #3 on the paper. Does the phrasing echo or resemble what is in the thesis?
Quotes or Evidence 4. Does each paragraph have a quote that supports the paper’s position. Body Paragraph one’s and two’s quote (does / does not)… The quote in body paragraph three is… 5. MLA format Paragraph 1 Yes / No Paragraph 4 Yes / No Paragraph 2 Yes / No Paragraph 3 Yes / No Link to MLA Format Video
Tie-Ins 6. Look in each tie-in. Is there at least one sentence which connects the quote to the reason. (Are there sentences that explain why the quote is important?) BP 1- Yes / No BP 2- Yes / No BP 3- Yes / No
Conclusion 7. Does the Conclusion start with a sign post? Yes / No Sign Post: 8. Does it have 2 to 3 sentences that restate the argument (restate topic sentences)?