Quiz Answers- practice context clues Vocabulary Unit 3 Quiz Answers- practice context clues
1. You could have indicated frankly what you thought was wrong without embittering them with such vitriolic criticism.
2. His line of questioning was so circuitous that I began to suspect that he was not sure of what he was trying to prove.
3. Only someone who has suffered from bursitis can fully commiserate with me when I am in the throes of an acute attack.
4. He expiated the crime committed during his youth by a lifetime of service to humanity.
5. If, as you say, your slamming of the door on the way out was completely inadvertent, then you should be more careful in the future.
6. Much of the money that the “robber barons” peculated from the public trust was never recovered– or even missed!
7. Wines from the part of France are produced by fermenting the juice of the luscious grapes that grow on the hillsides.
8. We had hoped to learn his opinion of the new energy program, but he remained completely noncommittal during his interview.
9. He claims to be a close friend of the Senator, but I believe that the connection between them is extremely tenuous.
10. Who in the world can hope to match the unshakeable sangfroid of the indestructible James Bond in moments of great peril?
11. No matter what their other likes or dislikes are, most Americans thoroughly abominate slavery in all its forms.
12. We must distinguish between the truly basic policies of our political party and those are adventitious and have little connection with the essential program.
13. Certain languages such as Afrikaans are the product of acculturation and where created when two societies merged.
14. Since she seems to have a strong proclivity both for sciences and for service to others, I think that she should plan to study medicine.
15. As charming, clever, and persuasive as you may be, you will certainly not wheedle me into lending you my tennis racquet.
16. We Americans do not believe that honest criticism of our public officials, no matter how severe should be regarded as seditious.
17. Declaring the boycott to be illegal, the judge enjoined the labor union from striking against the employing firm.
18. Some people say that they cannot understand her defeat in the election, but I ascribe it to her failure to discuss the issues in simple, down-to earth terms.
19. While he remained the nominal leader of the group, the real power passed into the hands of his wily aide.
20. The new computerized referral systems will greatly expedite the process of complaints by customers.