Icd-11 AND MORE!!
2 YEARS LATER Consulting a lot Don’t miss the daily trips down the Borman My home office Miss the faculty and student exchanges Exercise and grandchildren are good things
The status of icd-11 Will be released by the WHO May 2019 Totally electronic Multipurpose—morbidity, mortality, the degree of primary care, research, public health English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, etc.
Adoption Scheduled for January 1, 2023 or thereafter US---For death certificates first Been in development since 2007 Electronic, maybe no books ICD-10-PCS is NOT AFFECTED and why do we call it ICD-10-PCS Codes are 4 digits, not 3
Concepts Stem codes Extension codes Cluster coding Primary and secondary parents
Stem codes and extension codes Can be used alone Found in the Tabular list of ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity statistics Additional detail found in extension codes Extension codes can’t be used without a stem code Codes can be grouped together to describe the disease and that is called cluster coding
Primary and Secondary parents Diseases connected like in previous editions Example: Malignant neoplasm of the skin Is in the chapter for malignant neoplasms Dermatologist could see the code also in the chapter on skin.
Cluster Coding One of the biggest changes in ICD-11 A link is generated between core diagnostic (stem code concepts) and/or clinical concepts captured in extension codes to primary stem codes Extension codes are adjunct codes—show laterality, acuity and more. Clustering is linking
Definition of Main Diagnosis The reason for admission after assessment at the end of the stay US says: That condition, after study, which was chiefly responsible for occasioning he patient’s admission to the hospital for care.
1B10.0 Respiratory Tuberculosis, confirmed Was A15 in ICD-10-CM Will have a description and additional information 61 Index terms
6A10 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus DM with diabetic retinopathy 6A10/Mg45
5A10 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Excludes Type II 5A11 DM, other specified type 5A13 DM in pregnancy JA63
New Chapters Chapter 3 Diseases of Blood and Blood –forming Organs Chapter 4 Disorders of the Immune System Chapter 6 Conditions related to Sexual Health Chapter 8 Sleep-Wake Disorders Chapter 26 Traditional Medicine—disorders that originated in ancient Chinese Medicine and still used in China, Japan, Korea, etc.
More New Chapters Chapter 27 Supplemental V Codes Not like the V codes of old Rather for HCCs, rehab centers and skilled care-----codes describe a patient’s functional status and disabilities Chapter 28 Supplemental Extension codes. X codes to show more detail, severity, tumor staging, history, injury and poisonings, POA
What is NCVHS thinking Not a regulatory process like last time, make it easier Can’t take 23 years—would be 2042 I’ll be 90 and hope I still know my first name Do we really need to create a Clinical Modification? Really? We need a smooth and transparent transition Isn’t this huge system detailed enough?
3 Recommendations from the NCVHS to the DHHS Use a subregulatory process unlike last time (Translation: make it simpler) HHS should invest NOW in a project to evaluate I-11 and develop a smooth transition plan HHS should clarify that ICD-10-PCS is COMPLETELY separate from ICD-10 and will NOT be updated on the timeline of ICD-10-11
A few big picture concepts 117 countries use the system to report mortality data Translations already underway into 43 languages System has 55,000 unique codes for injuries, diseases, and causes of death 10 year development process at the WHO 10,00 proposals for revision reviewed. Enough already The detail we need now in coding continues
Icd 11 coding tool Morbid Obesity Sepsis Gaming Disorder, Predominantly on line vs offline Gender incongruence of childhood
A couple AHIMA/profession thoughts Where are we and where do we need to go? Employee relations vs. HR Medical Record Technology/Administration vs. Health Information Management AHIMA today-----CE only vs Membership
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