The Catholic Reformation


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Presentation transcript:

The Catholic Reformation Catholicism on the Offensive

Reform Catholic reformation or the Counter-reformation Habsburg-Valois Wars 1520’s- Emperor Charles V- focus shifted from supporting the Papacy Reforms or reactions to Protestant challenge 1460 marriage and Isabella and Ferdinand consolidated the Spanish kingdom- removed noble authority and established a central Inquisition SUFFERING

Reform Catholic Monarchs 1478 Pope allowed them to establish an inquisition for any and all new lands conquered...uhoh Mostly focussed on converted Muslims and Jews (in case they were practicing their old ways) 1492 last Muslim area retaken by Spain (Grenada) and the Jews were expelled from Spain Interesting year...

Reform The Society of Jesus Ignatius of Loyola (1491- 1556)- see handout He combined Catholic orthodoxy and the wishes of protestant reformers- spiritual discipline would satisfy people’s desire to feel god while obeying Catholic orders 1540- Jesuits Christian humanist education, missionaries

The Council of Trent 1545- 1563- churchmen from all over Europe clean up corruption, ignorance and apathy banned selling of indulgences Catholics did NOT stand alone before God (acceptance of protestantism) Prayers to saints and the virgin mary mattered, purgatory existed and good works were needed to get into heaven Index of Prohibited books (abolished in 1966)

Philip II 1556- 1588

Philip II The church looked to a monarchy for military and political strength Philip II- unparalleled zeal for both Catholic religion and empire Moved the capital of Spain to Madrid- the geographic centre of the Iberian peninsula Enemies: Turks in the Eastern Medit. and Protestants to the North 1571 Battle of Lepanto- Spain and Italian City states defeat the Turks This would initiate a series of battles with Protestant monarchs that would last until 1648