Create a foldable for your notes! You will need 3 pieces of notebook or printer paper
Step 1 Layer your paper on the desk so your top sheet is the shortest and your bottom sheet the longest. Leave about a ½ inch to an inch of space between each sheet.
Step 2 Fold all of the papers over to create a foldable. Leave about a ½ inch to an inch of space when you fold it over, just like you did in Step 1.
Step 3 Label each flap according to the picture
Step 4 When you take notes, you will write in the space directly about the person’s name. This means you will open your foldable like you see to the right Your notes about Charles I will be in the space above his name!
Step 5 Leave a spot on every flap of your foldable to draw an illustration of what is going on at that step in England’s revolution!
English Revolution
James I (1603-1625) Hated by Puritans & Catholics Translated the Bible into English (King James Bible) Sponsored exploration Jamestown
Charles I (1625-1649) Dissolved Parliament Signed Petition of Right more rights to the people
English Civil War King Charles I breaks Petition of Right Oliver Cromwell (leader of Parliament) gathers Roundheads Royalists (loyal to the King) vs. Roundheads (Puritans) King put on trial
English Civil War Roundheads win They execute Charles I Ended the British monarchy and set up a commonwealth led by Oliver Cromwell
Charles II (1660-1685) Restoration- the monarchy was “restored” after the death of Cromwell Habeas Corpus Act-prevents unlawful imprisonment
James II (1685-1688) Tried to restore Catholicism: made English Protestants angry Removed from throne
William and Mary (1689-1702) Takeover of the throne known as Glorious Revolution Fought against the Catholics
Constitutional Monarchy Parliament required William and Mary to accept conditions before giving them the throne English Bill of Rights Parliament could choose the ruler ruler’s power was limited by parliament Builds on Habeas Corpus Act and Petition of Right Act of Toleration granted freedom of worship to Protestants Act of Settlement prevented Roman Catholics from getting the throne
Timeline Using your notes and a partner, fill out the first 3 boxes (1649, 1688, 1689). Then, pick a color to represent England. Color it in on your key. Then, outline each of those three boxes in that color.