Daydreams Day Dreaming is an alteration in consciousness that occurs seemingly without effort, typically, when we want to escape the demands of the real world momentarily. Its part of the Altered State that happens effortlessly.
Daydreams Your daydreams provide an opportunity to write, act in, and stage manage a private drama for which you are the only audience. Although daydreaming appears to be a random effortless process psychologists have discovered that peoples daydreams fit into patterns and different people prefer different daydreams.
Daydreams Ex. People who have high levels of anxiety tend to have fleeting, loosely connected daydreams related to worrying. Ex. People who are achievement oriented tend to have dreams of failure and guilt.
Daydreams Some daydreamers enjoy their daydreams. They are used to think ahead solve problems, or distract themselves. “Happy Daydreamers” have pleasant fantasies not affected by guilt or worry.
Daydreams About 4% of people are considered fantasy prone that is they spend more than ½ their time daydreaming; lost in elaborate reverieshighly creative and completely absorbed by their fantasies.
Is Daydreaming purposeful or positive? Some psychologists say that they have little or no positive value an essential retreat from the real world esp. when that world is not meeting our needs. Ex. TV stimulates daydreaming but limits creativity. Other psychologists say that daydreaming and fantasy are positive (FREUD)
Daydreams Daydreams allow people to express and deal with various desires, generally about sex and hostility. Some psychologists say that daydreaming stimulates creativity helps people endure difficult situations (prisoners).
Daydreams They are also a way of dealing with information. We tend to break things down and put them into more useful terms. “Unfinished Business” This helps us deal with the real world again when we are done daydreaming.