Strategies for Success The way that we teach math through Investigations is very different than the way that we learned it when we were in school. It is very important that your child shows his or her work in the way that we are teaching in class in order to ensure success. Hopefully this handout with help you assist your child! Addition Subtraction Add by Place/Break Apart Example: 275 + 342= ____ 200 + 300 = 500 70 + 40 = 110 5 + 2 = 7 So: 500 + 110 + 7 = 617 Draw a Picture 230 + 120 Subtract in parts Example: 342 – 275 = ____ 342 – 200 = 142 142 – 70 = 72 72 – 5 = 67 Subtract Back on a Number Line Example: 250-125 = ____ Count the hundreds first, then the tens and finally the ones. Total: 350 Starter Problem Example: 275 + 342 = ____ 275 + 300 = 575 575+ 40 = 615 615 + 2 = 617 - 100 - 25 125 150 250 Think ADDITION…Jump forward on a number line! Example: 250-125 = ___ same as: 125 + ___= 250 100 + 25 = 125 Number Line Example: 145 + 220 = ____ + 100 + 25 + 200 + 20 125 250 145 345 365