DEI Community of Learning on Workforce EN: Evaluating Ticket Holders for Services
Moderators Facilitator: Miranda Kennedy Title: Director of Training for the DEI and TA Liaison, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Presenter: Kevin Nickerson Title: Subject Matter Expert on Ticket/Workforce EN, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Laura
Ticket Holder Assessment Basics Knowing who to work with through Ticket is important given the amount of time you will spend with those you assign helping them achieve successful employment outcomes under the Ticket to Work program. While there are always circumstances that cannot be predicted, there are certain variables that can be evaluated prior to assignment. Join us as we examine this important topic, and review the updated Ticket Assessment Guide created for DEI projects. Miranda
Developing Rapport Developing your customer base first requires trust How to get there? Invite all AJC customers who are Ticket Holders to find out more about your services (Outreach event) Provide hope through knowledge (Understanding of key issues, i.e. disability benefits, health insurance, building a better financial future, supports) Assessment and assignment will follow
The BEST Process Building Rapport – After your outreach event, invite customers that show interest to a one-on-one meeting This allows an opportunity to assess Enhanced Services – Explain the purpose of the Ticket program, its NOT just about jobs, its about a life change… …and having the right supports to help make that happen Setting Goals – Your meeting allows you an opportunity to develop goals through the Individualized Work Plan (IWP), which is what Job Centers do Adding goals that support work, such as financial plans, debt reduction, credit repair, provide the framework for long-term employment Trust – Once developed, helps uncover the real purpose for their employment goals…their individual hopes and dreams 5
The Ticket Philosophy: Empowering Choice Choice is the foundation the Ticket program is built upon Ticket holders must be ready to commit to moving forward with employment that will lead to self-sufficiency If a Ticket holder has visited your Job Center, they’ve taken the first step, providing us an invaluable “intersection of influence” Choice can be influenced in a number of ways: Dispelling myths about SSA disability benefits Empowerment – don’t underestimate the influence of believing in your customers abilities Exploration – Find out what motivates your customer, and develop goals that are realistic, and achievable 6
Assessment – Examining the Basics Ticket Assessment - Similar to our Job Center Initial Assessment, but framed around expectations of SSA: Services Needed : Do they fit our EN Business Model? Employment Goals : Are projected earnings consistent with required Milestones and Outcomes? Benefits Evaluation : Is the Ticket holder ready to move forward with gainful employment? (i.e. SGA level employment) Skills / Education / Experience : Is this consistent with Ticket holder employment goals, and with the current workforce need? Projected Revenue : Will we produce revenue if we serve this Ticket holder as an EN? Other : Health status at intake and restrictions, apparent motivation to return to work?
Assessment Resources O*Net Online: Compare current skills with required skills of various occupations Other DOL sponsored Online resources such as Job Zone (NYS): 8
Review of the Ticket Assessment Guide Miranda
Discussion Items Why not assign all Ticket holders and see how things work out? What do I do when I’m uncertain of the current status of a customer’s medical condition? Should I assign Ticket holders who are already working? What do I tell customers who do not seem to be a good fit for our Ticket services? Are there times when it is appropriate to un-assign a Ticket? If a Ticket holder stops making Timely Progress, what happens to the Ticket assignment? Miranda
Ready to assign a Ticket? Are you using the current Workforce IWP template? Here’s where you can find it: Miranda
Contact Information Miranda Kennedy 720.890.3990 Kevin Nickerson 607.589.7651