Zathura Vocabulary Practice Hi, My name is Rosie
The ______ did a job that was too dangerous for humans to do. tokens robot staggered defective
Groovee robot – noun – a machine designed to perform certain human tasks
Failure is not an Option!!!
The tired runners _____ to the finish line. rotated tokens robot staggered
Groovee staggered – verb – moved unsteadily or with a swaying motion
The zipper was ______ so the coat wouldn’t close all the way up. robot staggered defective reversed
Groovee defective – adjective – having a flaw or weakness, not perfect
We _______ our direction when we realized we were going the wrong way. reversed meteor dangling rotated
Groovee reversed – verb – to get back; recover; regain
It is rare for a ______ to strike Earth, but it can happen. staggered defective reversed meteor
Groovee meteor – noun – a mass of metal or rock that enters the Earth’s atmosphere from space
The diamonds _______ from Erin’s ears looked pretty in the light. defective reversed meteor dangling
Groovee dangling – verb – hanging loosely
As the wheels ______, the car moved forward. meteor dangling rotated tokens
Groovee rotated – verb – turned around on an axis
Andrea moved her _______ six spaces ahead and won the game. dangling rotated tokens robot
Groovee tokens – plural noun – pieces that mark movement on a board game
Susan Ging Lent Production Words are Fun See you next week Susan Ging Lent Production