Math Portfolio Piece
Writing Your Next Portfolio Piece In every class you have to write a portfolio piece for the 7th grade. Now it is time to do your Math piece.
What are you going to do? You are going to write a friendly letter to a 6th grader coming into the 7th grade
What are you going to write about? In the letter you are going to: CHOICE 1: Tell them 3 ways to stay organized and how it will benefit them to do so. OR CHOICE 2: Tell them 3 ways they will use the math they learn in the 7th grade in real life.
5 Parts of a friendly letter
HEADING The heading is your address and date. In a friendly letter the heading goes in the right hand corner.
Salutation This is the greeting or who you are writing the letter to. Examples are: Dear Sixth Grader, Dear Incoming 7th Grader, Dear Future 7th Grader, Dear New Student,
BODY This is where all your information goes. Each paragraph in a friendly letter, you DO indent! There should be at least 5 or 6 (6 is BEST) paragraphs in your body. (There should also be at least 4 sentences in each paragraph)!
The first paragraph should be your introduction. WHY YOU ARE WRITING. BODY (CONTINUED)
The next 3 paragraphs are your suggestions to the 7th grade student The next 3 paragraphs are your suggestions to the 7th grade student. They should be very detailed and supported. The last paragraph should tie back into the first paragraph and summarize what your MAIN point is.
CLOSING This is written 2 lines below the last paragraph. Only the first word is capitalized. Examples: Yours truly, A seventh grade student, A concerned student, A current student, Your friend, etc.
Signature YOUR Name Example: T_________A_______
REMINDERS Make sure you have 3 ways they can use Math or stay organized. Make sure you follow the typing format. Make sure you DO the revision when given.
Ways to Stay Organized Use Agenda book to write down homework/tests. Have folder for each class Use a certain color for each class Organize locker Have a set routine Do a weekly clean up to get and stay organized Prepare a day ahead Use a calendar Make a daily checklist
Using Math in Real Life Adding and subtracting decimals Shopping Dividing Number Money Fractions ¼, ½, ¾ Fractions Cooking Mean, Mode, Median Averaging Grades
More Math.... Multiplication, division, adding, subtracting Deciding if you are being paid correct. Negative and Positive Numbers Deposits and Withdrawals, Temperature Measurement Building things, hanging wallpaper, cooking Multiplication Deciding how much you need of something
These are just suggestions...
You can use Your own ideals.