September 8-11, 2017 Objectives: Analyze poetry and literary fiction through collaborative, seminar discussion. Determine the expectations for the graduation project. Catalyst: On a notecard, respond to the following: Remembering your reading from Ch. 1 “Reading the Story,” describe the best way to read a short story for the purpose of serious study. Homework for next class: The Stranger seminar, part 2 “Hunters in the Snow” (annotate, answer questions 5, 8) Poetry Response 1.2 Native Son
Read through the Graduation Manual Senior Boards Completed in 1st semester (2nd semester has AP exam) Grade goes in Q4 Components: “Product”: minimum 15 hours of documented community service (score 0-4) Can use recorded, legitimate service as far back as October of last year Presentation: 6-10 minute, board-scored oral presentation, includes visual aid (0-4) Portfolio: collection of the above benchmarks and post-presentation reflections (0-4) Dates: Service Approval Form due: September 20/25 Letter to Board of Review due: September 26/27 Rehearsals: September 28/29 Presentations after school: October 3 Service Logs and Portfolios due: October 16/17 Read through the Graduation Manual
“More Light! More Light!” answers B D C A E
The Revision Process: Have it ready to go for 9.14/9.15 Type your hand-written in-class essay AS IS Make absolutely no changes – FIGHT THE URGE Turn off Auto-correct or whatever the equivalent is in your document. You will see red and green squiggles - THAT'S OKAY. It should take you 20 minutes to do this, and you don't even have to use your brain! Follow MLA guidelines for the heading and body of the paper. Go to my website to see an example. Feel free to print front and back so you’re not printing a lot Keep the original, hand-written copy (will be submitted into your student portfolio) Have it ready to go for 9.14/9.15
The Stranger seminar, part 1 (pre-seminar) Reflect on your experience with the novel. Submit your response into Google Classroom. Respond to at least two other classmates. Include the following: The process of tackling the text Preparing for the exam Taking the exam Preparing for/participating in the seminar The revision process for the essay
The Stranger seminar, part 1 Expectations: Small formal grade I will ask someone to start the discussion based on prepared discussion questions Feel free to discuss the essay prompt (everyone was here for the test!) This seminar may help you in the revision process Everyone is expected to contribute and actively listen A small group of individuals should not dominate I will have you fill out a form based on our discussion, so you should keep notes and keep track of who is contributing