“I am telling the truth” Because what he says Is so unbelievable So startling and shocking In the eyes of man
No Way Is anyone that unselfish Give someone my car? Give someone my house? Give someone my life savings? Give someone my eternity with Jesus?
Inconceivable In a world of “I got mine”.
Another Level “Just as long as they are faithful….I would be happy if they worked at a minimum wage job all their life”
“God I love them so much…I am willing to let you bring whatever it takes into their life if that brings them back to you”
“I love them so much, that at the Judgment, if given the choice, I would give my salvation to them so that they could end up saved, even if that meant, I end up lost”
No Way! Is anyone like that today. Wrong. Those people do exist Some of them are in this room.
The Power of the Gospel It is no longer all about me. Galatians 2:20 I am willing to spend myself out to help you 2 Corinthians 12:15
I have time for you. I am willing to invest large portions of my life in you. I love you that much John 13:34-35
Accursed, Separated from Christ Romans 9:3 Fully aware of the consequences of the choice. Fully aware of what life without Jesus for eternity is like. Not a naïve or superficial view of hell.
This Man Really loved Jesus. 1 Corinthians 16:22 Galatians 2:20 Longed to be with Him. Philippians 1:21-23 2 Timothy 4:8
These are not the words of someone who wasn’t that keen about being with God in the first place.
This is Moses like. Exodus 32:30-32 This is Jesus like. Romans 5:6-8 Isaiah 53:5
Stand Back and Look Not that long ago someone had to bug you to just clean up your room. Now---willing to sacrifice your eternity if that would result in salvation for someone else. How did that happen?
Unceasing Grief He never got used to the idea of lost souls in hell. He did not explain away or tone down hell in his mind.
The way you deal with hell is….. Not to deny it or limit it. But to say, “God I love them so much, I have thought about being willing to take their place”
Yet---a life of frequent rejoicing. Philippians 4:4
That is… Being like Christ Denying it shows no concern for the lost.
An Honest Life I don’t have to pretend. My head is not in the sand. I see it all. I weep and grieve I rejoice and exult/Romans 5:2
Israelites The Adoption The Glory The Covenants Giving of the Law
The Temple Service The Promises The Fathers The lineage of Jesus
Our Privileges Godly parents Morning and Evening encounters with goodness, kindness and mercy “Time to get up sleepy head” “Here is what I have planned for us today” Proverbs 31:26
“How was school today” Being prayed over. Brought to worship. Interacting with godly and wise people.
The freedom to worship The freedom to evangelize The privilege to worship Him To learn about Him
To have enough to send the gospel to other lands.
Has it Failed? Just look at all the lost Israelites! Wait. Physical ancestry was never the ticket. The remnant Romans 11:2-5; 9:27 Paul was an Israelite---he was saved.
Am I? Good soil? An honest heart? Willing to love and serve God? One of the remnant? It is open for all: Romans 10:13
Not that Long Ago Was living for self. Complained when we had to do something for others. Now….willing to do anything to save others.
No Failure in This Life