WWW List #3 first/second: 3.A
List 3 SHADED WORDS first/second: 3.1
Spec - look Spectacles – reading glasses to help you look closer Inspect – look into
MICRo - small Microscope: looks at small things Microphone: amplifies small sound
Hydro - Water Hydroplane: lose control of your car due to water Dehydrate: down in your water levels
Photo - light Photosynthesis: to gain nutrients from light Photograph: written with light
Tele - Far Telepathy Telescope: to look far away Telephone: brings sound from far away
Ex - out Except – keep out from others Exorbitant Exit – to go out
Re - again Return – bring back again Reiterate – to say again Review – to view again
pseudo - false Pseudonym – a false name Pseudopod – false feet in a cell to help it move
Phon - sound Symphony – sound played together Phonetic – related to speech sounds Telephone – sound from far away
Mono - one Monologue: a speech given by one Monochromatic: one color or shades of one color Monarchy: governed by one
Viv - life Vivid – lively colors Revive – bring back to life again
List 3 Not SHADED WORDS first/second: 3.1
Homo - same Homonym – same name (read and read) Homophone – same sound (pale and pail)
Duct - lead Conduct - lead together (proper behavior in a group) Aqueduct – leads water to the city
List 3 Not SHADED WORDS continued first/second: 3.2
Fer - carry Transfer – to carry across Infer – to carry the understanding farther
Pend - hang Pending – decision is hanging Pendant – necklace that hangs
Pan - all Panorama – showing all sides Pandemic - disease affecting all
Penta - five Pentagon – five sided object Pentathlon – five events
Vid - look Evidence – items to look at in a crime Video – look at a recording
Omni - all Omniscient – all-knowing Omnivore – eats all (plants and meat)
Poly - many Polygamy – married to many Polygon - many-sided figure
Hypo - under Hypothesis – guess is “under” trial Hypothermia –under the correct body temperature
Neuro - nerve Neurosurgeon – brain surgeon (house of all nerves) Neurology – the science of nerves
What other word part means cut? Tomy - cut What other word part means cut? Tonsillectomy – tonsils cut out Appendectomy – appendix cut out
Hema - blood Hematoma – a solid swelling of clotted blood Hematology – science of blood
Proto - first Prototype – first sample Protozoa – single-celled microscopic organisms (“first animals” or first form of life)