The Muscular System Functions & Anatomy
Functions of the Muscular System
Movement Movement of bones Actions of muscles Work like rubber bands Depends on attachment points on the bones
Posture Maintain body position Tonic Contraction Produces no movement Maintain muscle tone
Heat Production Contraction produces heat required to maintain normal body temp.
Types of Muscle Tissue Skeletal Smooth Cardiac
Skeletal Muscle Striated Voluntary “Red Meat” Attached to bones Perform contractions that lead to movement of bones Joints
Smooth Muscle Non-striated (smooth) Involuntary Found in hollow walls of organs Intestine Blood vessels Etc. Movement of materials through tubes
Cardiac Muscle Striated – intercalated discs Involuntary Heart Contraction
Structure of Skeletal Muscle Organs = muscles Extend from bone to bone Attached by tendons Origin – fixed point Insertion – moves during contraction
Microscopic Structure Contractile fibers grouped in bundles Contain Proteins (filaments) Actin Myosin Filaments slide toward each other during contraction
Stimulus Muscle contracts when stimulus reaches certain intensity All on none Motor Unit Nerve + Muscle Neurotransmitter crosses gap between
Muscular System Actions
Actions are based on…. Origin Insertion Insertions move toward origins Fixed point of muscle attachment Insertion Moveable point of muscle attachment Insertions move toward origins Direction of muscle fibers
Actions Flexion (lateral*) Extension Hyperextension Decreasing the joint angle Extension Increasing the joint angle Hyperextension
Actions… Abduction (Hz*) Adduction (Hz*) Circumduction Moving away from body Adduction (Hz*) Moving toward body Circumduction Cone-like movement
Actions… External Rotation Internal Rotation L/R Rotation lateral Medial L/R Rotation
Actions… Plantar Flexion Dorsi Flexion Inversion Eversion Pointing toes Dorsi Flexion Bringing toes toward shins Inversion Soles sweep toward each other Eversion Soles sweep away
Actions… Pronation Supination Opposition Reposition Palms downward Palms upward Opposition Thumb moves across palm Reposition Thumb returns
Actions… Depression Elevation Protraction Retraction Lowering shoulders Elevation Shoulders shrug upward Protraction Jutting forward Retraction Jutting back