Tutorial on supplements Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Nutrition Level 1 Tutorial on supplements March 2019
Different herbal preparations Two kinds of preparations: single herb preparations multiple herbal preparations Both single and multiple herbal preparations can be primary (using 1 procedure): swarasa (juice) kalka (pastes) kwatha (decoctions) hima (cold infusions) phanta (hot infusion) Secondary - using some of above preparations to make arista, awaleha (confectionary), ghee preparations, tablets etc
Action of single herbal preparations can be described by its rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, prabhava etc. Multiple herbal preparations have all the rasas, guna, virya and vipaka combined, hence hard to explain their effect on this basis
After digestion, virya and vipaka is described as “karma” (action) Karma can be on dosha - aggravate (kopa) or balancing (shamaka) dhatu and mala - vriddhi (increase) or kshaya (reduce) srotas – annavaha (digestive tract), pranavaha (lungs, heart and circulatory system), mutravaha (urinary system)…
Dose of the preparations Always start with the lowest, appropriate dose you feel confident to prescribe (and increase incrementally if needed) Dose can vary with power of agni severity of disease the strength and age of patient climate/ season
Shatawari choorna Root powder of Asparagus racemosus Recommended to use fresh Cleaned and washed roots are made into a paste Dried, powdered and sieved Ingredients: shatawari Dose: - ½ -1 teaspoon twice a day Anupana: - hot water, milk (especially in pitta disorders)
Karma (action) of shatawari choorna Decrease pitta, vata & kapha balancing Women’s disorders- menopause, fertility, menstrual problems Nourishes body tissues Increase breast milk Increase libido
Ashwagandhadi choorna Main ingredients : ashwagandha, ginger, long pepper, black pepper Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera Indian winter cherry/ Indian ginseng Dose: - ½ -1 tea spoon twice a day Anupana: - hot water, milk (specially in pitta disorders)
Karma (action) Increases vata, balances pitta, decrease kapha Energiser (increases energy) Increases circulation Dipana, pachana Nourishes body tissues Increase reproductive tissues specially in males Increases sexual activities
Tripala tablets Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Vibhithaki (Terminalia belerica) Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)
Properties of tripala in Ayurvedic texts Rasayana- rejuvenator Tridosha shamaka - pacify tridosha Deepana Anulomana – stimulates downward movements (bowel tonic at low dose, purgative at high doses) Rochana- increase the sense of taste Shukrala- increase quality and quantity of sperms Mehaghna- control meha Vishamajwara nashana- cures different types of fever
Netrarogaghna- cures eye disorders Medohara- removes excess fat Contd.. Netrarogaghna- cures eye disorders Medohara- removes excess fat Kushtaghna- cures eczema Kanduhara – relieves itchiness Kledaapaharana- eliminates wastes Kapha nissaraka- expectorant, bronchodilator, removes excess water in the body Vranashodhana/ropana- clears and cures wounds Varnya - restores normal skin color Yonishulaprashamana - helps pains in vagina
Pittahara tablet (sudarshana shoorna) Main ingredient - kiratha (Andrographis paniculata) 53 ingredients in equal amounts Most of them are bitter in taste Pacify tridosha: vata disorders- arthritis, body aches, back ache pitta disorders- fever, dizziness, vertigo, confusion, excess thirst, jaundice, anaemia kapha disorders- respiratory disorders, heart disorders
Promotes bile flow Normalizes liver functions Improves immunity Used to prevent and cure epidemic disorders of flues (swine flue, chikungunya), communicable disorders
Munronia pinnata little king bitter Andrographis paniculata Munronia pinnata is substituted by Andrographis paniculata in pittahara tablet
Mahanarayana oil 77 ingredients in decoction 63 ingredients in paste Base oil - sesame Shatawari juice, cows milk Pacify vata and pitta Good for head and body Joints disorders, muscle and nerve disorders Wasting disorders Headaches and disorders in adjoining organs
Pinda oil Body oil Prepared without boiling the ingredients Base oil- sesame Bees wax is an ingredients Pacify pitta Use as a cosmetic Skin disorders, itchiness Burning sensation Gout
Kumari oil Hair oil Contain many cooling ingredients- amruta (Tinospora cordifolia), Aloe vera, sandal wood, water lily. Cows milk Base oil- sesame Insomnia Migraine and stress related headaches Eye disorders due to excess heat Can aggravate kapha
Triphala oil Head and body oil, mouth wash Pacify tridosha Has 30 ingredients Base oil- sesame oil All kinds of disorders
Sarshapadee oil Body oil Pacify kapha and vata, aggravate pitta Base oil- mustard Camphor (Cinamomum camphora) and turpentine (obtain from pine trees) Effective pain killer Swellings, sprains, joint pains, muscle cramps, asthma Long term use can aggravate vata
Ashwagandha oil Body oil Main ingredient is ashwagandha 18 ingredients Base oil- sesame Vata disorders including muscle wasting Impotency
Neelyadee oil Head and body oil Base oil- coconut, coconut milk 18 ingredients including Juices of 7 plant leaves Pacify pitta, can aggravate kapha Headaches and associated disorders Hair falling, hair thinning Skin disorders Piles, anal fissures