Region II IPP Performance Measure IPP CS1 and IPP CS2 Project Area Trend Report IPP CS1: Timely treatment of women with chlamydia at IPP Family Planning Clinics. IPP CS2: Timely treatment of women with gonorrhea at IPP Family Planning Clinics.
Region II IPP Objectives IPP Priority 3: Improve Appropriate and Timely Treatment for Persons Diagnosed with Chlamydial Infection and Their Partners. Objective 3B: By December 2007, increase the percentage of clients who test positive for chlamydia and are treated within 30 days of specimen collection from region-wide baseline of 65% treated to 70% treated. Status: Met In Reporting Period 2 (2005) and Reporting Period 1 (2006) Region II – 30 Days (Average) = 72% (Range: 42%-85%)
Trend Report Data Trend Report Data presented is pulled from CDC Performance Measure Database Following slides represent IPP Project Area specific trends in data submitted to CDC related to time to treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea (IPP CS1/CS2) in IPP FP Clinics. What does this PM Measure? Ability to collect data (thereby monitor performance) How long it takes to deliver treatment
IPP PM 1 (CT treatment) NJ
IPP PM 2 (GC treatment) NJ
IPP PM 1 (CT treatment) PR
IPP PM 2 (GC treatment) PR
IPP PM 1 (CT treatment) NYS
IPP PM 2 (GC treatment) NYS
IPP PM 1 (CT treatment) NYC
IPP PM 2 (GC treatment) NYC
Project Area PM Discussion Review and Discuss “Tracking Steps in the Collection and Submission of IPP PM Data” Flow Sheet with IPP Partners. Be Prepared to Report to the Entire Group on the Following: Project area steps to collection and submission of IPP PM Data Discuss why difference (if any) in cases reported to IPP Prevalence Monitoring System vs. cases reported to CDC Performance Measure Database.