Sight List Assessment Scale 4 3 2 1 Student is able to evaluate the term and correctly compare it to another historical event/issue/era Term is correctly identified with some historical context Term is correctly identified The term is partially identified, with some level of inaccuracy No attempt to identify the term or answer is entirely incorrect
Trickle Down Economics – Level 3 Trickle down economics cuts taxes for rich people in the hopes that the resulting economic investment and activity will create opportunities for all Americans. Reasoning for grade – this answer identifies the term and includes analysis for its existence, but lacks the evaluation or connection to another era that a Level 4 answer would need
Trickle Down Economics – Level 4 Trickle Down economics refers to the economic policy of reducing taxes for the wealthiest Americans. This would then lead to increased economic activity and investment, creating jobs and opportunities for those at the bottom of the economic ladder. This was initially attempted in the 1920s and saw a resurgence with the conservative revolution of the 1980s. Though trickle down did create some short term economic growth, it also created an increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor. Reasoning for grade – this answer describes the term as well as providing context and historical application and evaluation
Trickle Down Economics – Level 2 Trickle down is cutting taxes for the wealthy. Reasoning for grade – this answer is correct in stating that trickle down cuts taxes, but it fails go into any kind of analysis as to why it existed, or what happened as a result. There is important information missing from this answer.
Trickle Down Economics – Level 1 Trickle down economics has to do with money. Reasoning for grade – Though broadly associated with the topic, the answer does not indicate to the teacher that much of anything was learned.
Practice Push Factors – Political machine –
Sample #1 Push factors are factors that push people away from their country, that may cause them to [emigrate]. In the 1900s there were many Europeans that [emigrated] due to push factors such as poverty, not enough jobs, war, starvation, etc; this is also like present day refugees that go away from their country because of war.
Sample #2 Something that would cause someone to flee their home and enter another country as an immigrant. An example of this would be the Irish potato famine.
Sample #3 Push factors is when you live in another country and something is happening or something happened and you have to leave your country and have to go to a different country/more safe place.
Sample #4 Pushed the immigrants out of their homes/countries.
Sample #5 A factor that pushes people from their homes. It greatly effected [sic] the people in the 1900s especially the Native Americans when they were pushed from their land.
Sample #6 Push factors are conditions that push people out or away from where they live for something like religious belief. This is kind of like when the Jewish people had to go into the camps just because they were Jewish. (Not really, but you get my point.)