Benchmark study guide Before 1920, most immigrants came from? What invention allowed for the growth of Suburbs. Which reaction to the Americanization movement was most common among immigrants?
political machines were American political parties in the Gilded Age often controlled local elections by Immigrants in the late 1800s often supported political machines because a trust agreement In a monopoly, a company has
business leaders used the Sherman Antitrust Act to How did the U.S. government supported business U.S. industry needed international trade for what Social Darwinism is what Social Darwinism and the Social Gospel movement how are they related? Which group or groups helped spark the organization of the Populist Party?
"unalienable rights“ At the end of the 1800s, most factory jobs were factory owners preferred to hire women rather than men because children who worked in factories Progressive movement? In the early 1900s, trade with China was important to the United States because
U.S. Open Door policy in China Why did the Philippines fight the U.S. In the late 1800s, why did many Americans thought building a canal across Central America would help the United States? How was President Theodore Roosevelt involved in the Panama Revolution
President Roosevelt's Latin American policy is known as Big Stick Diplomacy he got from? Big Stick Diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy were all intended to At the beginning of World War I in 1914, most Americans What is neutrality. Of the following, the most compelling reason for the United States to enter the war was
The Espionage and Sedition Acts affected freedom of speech because they Gains made by American women during World War I include The Treaty of Versailles overlooked the importance of Which weapons of mechanized warfare were introduced in World War I? What reason did Senators give for opposing U.S. membership in the League of Nations?