Copyright Guidelines for Educators Tanis Ockwell ITEC 7445 Multimedia and Web Design in ED Fall 2017
What is Copyright? “Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works”(U.S. Copyright Office, n.d).
Want to Know the Basics?
Why Should We Follow Copyright Laws? Copyright laws protect any work created by others whether the work has been published or not It shows respect to the person or people who worked hard to create the material The creator of the work could choose to sue for copyright infringement
Basics for Using Printed Materials in the Classroom Short Works: teachers may make multiple copies for use in the classroom and include it if they present using multimedia. Teachers can only provide one copy per student and only nine instances per term. Items such as expendable workbooks cannot be copied. Long Works: a librarian can produce no more than three copies if something needs to be replaced, and the information concerning copyrights must be included. Pictures & illustrations: must be limited to five images by a single individual or no more than 15 images or 10% from a large group of works.
Basics for Using Printed Music and Video in the Classroom Students may use parts of a video but only ten percent or three minutes (the smaller amount of time). Video cannot be illegally obtained and sources must be documented in presentations. Music: Up to ten percent of a musical work may be used as part of a multimedia presentation by students or teachers. Only 30 seconds of each piece of music may be used and the reason for the project must be educational in nature.
Can You Tell if it Violates Copyright Laws? Apply what you have learned. Decide whether each of the following scenarios does or does not violate copyright laws. Would you make these copyright mistakes?
Scenario 1: A teacher uses a Disney character as a her class mascot. She uses it in the class decorations, on her classroom website, and on any communication sent home to parents. Does this violate Copyright laws?
Scenario 1: Yes! Using Disney characters without permission does violate copyright laws. According to Marilyn Lindblad (2017), “individuals who wish to use the Disney characters should take care to make legal use of them to avoid infringing Disney's intellectual property rights(Legal Zoom, para.1).
Scenario 2: The PTA representative wants to show a video on the school field as a school fundraiser. Does this violate Copyright laws?
Scenario 2: Yes! If a video was purchased for private use, it cannot be shown for commercial use. The PTA would need to obtain public performance rights before their event.
Scenario 3: Your students create a parody song about the American Revolution using Taylor Swift’s song, Bad Blood. They use the music, but all the lyrics were written by the students. Does this violate Copyright laws?
Scenario 3: No! Since the students are creating parody songs and replacing all the words, it is a transformative use of the material and is considered “fair use.”
References: Copyright Basics for Teachers. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 7 October 2017, from Copyright in General (FAQ) | U.S. Copyright Office. (2017). Retrieved 8 October 2017, from general.html Legal Use of the Disney Characters. (2017). Retrieved 9 October 2017, from 21231.html (n.d.). [picture] Retrieved from (n.d.). [picture] Retrieved from (n.d.). [picture] Retrieved from 9104324 (n.d.). [picture] Retrieved from SEO.html&psig=AOvVaw382kgjlLJjieIy-E1nmd4j&ust=1507693405123454