Articles of Confederation Our fledgling nation’s first government. Fraught with weakness The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to its demise.
Articles of Confederation The Big Idea The Articles of Confederation provided a framework for a national government. States would retain sovereignty Founders were fearful of concentrated power due to past experience with the British
Articles of Confederation You Must “Take” a Position!! Do you agree with creating a Government with limited powers? Why? Do you disagree with the government having limited powers? Why? What other “solutions” could they use to govern the new nation?
Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation No Executive Branch, president only presided over Senate. No common currency. States=Thirteen different countries Difficult to change the Articles and pass laws States more powerful than the Fed.
Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation A Limited Government Articles established a “firm league of friendship” among the states Bills were passed on nine of thirteen votes Amending the Articles took unanimous consent of the states
Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation Land Ordinance of 1785 to raise money to pay debts. Ordinance provided for surveying and dividing western lands. Land was split into townships. Each township was divided into lots for Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Established Northwest Territory and a system for creating new states Included what are now the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Required the provision of public education and banned slavery
Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation Congress had NO Authority: No power to raise funds for an army or navy No power to tax, impose tariffs, or collect duties No executive branch to enforce laws No power to control trade among the states No power to force states to honor obligations No power to regulate the value of currency Congress had the authority: Declare war and make peace Make treaties with foreign countries Establish an army and navy Appoint high-ranking military officials Requisition, print, and borrow money Establish weights and measures Hear disputes among the states related to trade or boundaries
Final Demise of the Articles SHAY’S REBELLION An uprising of farmers over heavy debt caused by state policy. Pointed to glaring weaknesses of the Articles.
Shays’ Rebellion Shays’ Rebellion was a series of violent attacks on courthouses and other government properties in Massachusetts. At the time of Shays’ Rebellion, the newly formed United States was governed by the Articles of Confederation, a document that many in the country felt was too weak to effectively manage the fledgling nation. The specter of Shays’ Rebellion informed the debate over the framing of a new U.S. Constitution, providing fuel to Alexander Hamilton and other Federalistswho advocated for a strong federal government and diminished states’ rights. Nationalists used the rebellion to heighten paranoia, and George Washingtonwas convinced enough by their arguments to come out of retirement and take part in the Constitutional Convention, where he was elected the first president of the United States.
Constitution of the UNITED STATES The leaders of our country decided to change the Articles. Instead they devised a plan that would revolutionize government as they knew it.