Jessica Simpson (and fiancé Eric Johnson)… Are having a baby!
But I’m so busy being famous! We’d better hire a nanny… but who?
I’m going to need some help! YOUR MISSION I’m going to need some help! Pick the nanny… but how?
Why do you need to know bio to pick the nanny? They have picked you to help them hire the right nanny based on your BIOLOGY expertise! Why do you need to know bio to pick the nanny? Background Information: Possible Genetic Diseases known to run in the family Passarellitis Siblephelia Bylsmatosis
Information you have to help you pick the right nanny Pedigrees of Jessica and Eric’s family tracking specific diseases Nanny Resumes (who specialize in treating a specific genetic disease) Disease info Knowledge of pedigrees and inheritance
Bylsmatosis Bylsmatosis greatly affects the blood supply to the eyes. Due to increase of blood a person’s eyes will become dark and enlarged, resembling a bug.
Siblephilia Missing the gene for a crucial enzyme in the brain needed to make good choices. Symptoms include disastrous outfits and wacky musical attempts
Passarellitis Passarellitis impacts a persons control over facial features Symptoms include uncontrolled spasms in the facial muscles, resulting in awkward faces.
You Job - Look at the pedigrees for the diseases known to run in the Simpson and Johnson families Determine the type of inheritance (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or x-linked) Make a Punnett Square with Jessica and Eric as the parents to show the baby’s chance of getting each disease Pick a nanny based on the findings
Then pick accurate gene symbols to represent the disease Y Z a b c d e Jessica Eric h i j I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X A B C D E F G H k ? First, find the type of inheritance (Autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked recessive) Then pick accurate gene symbols to represent the disease Next, make a Punnett Square showing the cross of Eric and Jessica to find out the baby’s chance of getting the disease
Please help us pick a nanny!!!