Immune System Day 1
GROUP DISCUSSION WILL FOLLOW! Why do you think the human body makes a great place for disease causing organisms to grow? What are some examples of organisms that cause disease? What are some ways diseases are spread? In spite of being under constant attack by pathogens, we do not get sick all the time. What organ system is responsible for this? Think – Pair - Share GROUP DISCUSSION WILL FOLLOW! Activation of thoughts– can work with partner. BR 1
What is the essential question? Why is the immune response considered a specific defense against pathogens, while the inflammatory response is considered a nonspecific defense? Answer: The immune response is targeted toward pathogens it remembers. Memory cells continue to patrol the body’s tissues, circulating through the blood and lymph for long periods of time and responding quickly against pathogens they recognize. The inflammatory response can inhibit the growth of pathogens and stimulate macrophage action, but the inflammatory response is not selective.
Write what is in RED draw tables when necessary
Date: 12/02-12/05 Topic: Immune System Day1 Learning Target: Explain the basic functions of the human immune system, including specific and nonspecific immune response
A disease is any change, other than an injury, than disrupts the normal functions of the body. Disease-causing germs are called pathogens. Pathogens causes diseases What Is A Disease? *get media video with notes
What are the basics? Homeostasis Diseases can disrupt this stability. Your immune system is the organ system that protects your body from disease. Your body has three different lines of defense against pathogens, or disease causing agents. To the Teacher: Take time to explain the importance of the circulatory system to the immune system. Ask students why they think the immune system could not function properly without the assistance of the circulatory system? If a pathogen does get into the body, the circulatory system helps fight the infection by transporting the immune system’s specialized cells to the source of infection
Immune System
What are the two types of immune defense? The immune system includes two general categories of defense mechanisms: Nonspecific defenses guard against infections by keeping most things out of the body. Combines physical, chemical and mechanical factors Specific defenses track down harmful pathogens that have managed to break through the body’s nonspecific defenses. To the Teacher: Refer to essential question as students identify the differences between the two types of defense.
Engage: Student, differentiate between non-specific and specific lines of defenses. Student, build upon previous students answer. Student, challenge or support previous students answer. Student, combine what your previous classmates mentioned
Engage: Student, what is our body’s first line of defense? Student, construct an analogy for the body’s first line of defense. Student, unpack previous student’s answer. Student, what is our body’s second line of defense? Student, what is our body’s third line of defense?
What is the essential question? Why is the immune response considered a specific defense against pathogens, while the inflammatory response is considered a nonspecific defense? Answer: The immune response is targeted toward pathogens it remembers. Memory cells continue to patrol the body’s tissues, circulating through the blood and lymph for long periods of time and responding quickly against pathogens they recognize. The inflammatory response can inhibit the growth of pathogens and stimulate macrophage action, but the inflammatory response is not selective.
What is the role of the cardiovascular system on the immune system? Circulatory system: a network of veins, arteries and blood vessels that transports blood to and from the heart. The circulatory system helps to fight the infection by transporting the immune system’s specialized cells to the source of the infection. Lymph nodes WBC production DEFENSE phagocyte, B cell, T cell, spleen, thymus, antibodies Blood flow Circulatory System Immune system
Body has 3 lines of defense: 1st line: non-specific 2nd line: non-specific 3rd line: specific
1st Line of Defense: Barriers to Infection What do you think they are? 1st Line of Defense: Barriers to Infection To cause disease, a pathogen must invade the body. Your body has barriers to keep this pathogens out. To the Teacher: Ask students for the name of the structure in the pictures. Some students will recognize the Great Wall of China. Add a few factoids like it is over 1500 years old and it is the only man-made structure that can be seen from outer space. Ask students to explain why they think the Chinese built the wall? What organ in our body have a similar function? WAIT TO WRITE NOTES FOR NEXT SLIDE.
Example of 1st line of defense Role 1) Skin (non-specific) Most important nonspecific defense Acts as a barrier to infection Engages in chemical warfare 2) Mucus membrane Covers internal body surfaces that come in to contact with the environment Contains glands that secrete mucus Traps pathogens in the nose and throat Contain lysozymes (enzymes which break down bacteria)
Example of Nonspecific Defense Role 3) Cilia (non-specific) Found in the respiratory tract Helps to trap pathogens. 4) Body Secretions Sweat/Tears/Oil/ Acid (non-specific) Stomach acid and digestive enzymes destroy many pathogens that make their way to your stomach. Oil and sweat glands in the skin produce an acidic environment that kills many bacteria. Antibacterial enzymes are found in saliva and tears
2nd Line of Defense: Inflammatory Response WAIT TO WRITE NOTES FOR NEXT SLIDE. 2nd Line of Defense: Inflammatory Response The inflammatory response is the body’s response to tissue damage. As soon as pathogen enters your body, damaged tissue releases chemical signal. If infection persists, body may increase temperature resulting in a fever. Why? To the Teacher: OPTIONAL: Using the information on this slide or the animation linked to the image (click on the far right side of image), have students make a graphic organizer in which they summarize the stages of the inflammatory response. You may ask students to include in their organizers the cause-and-effect relationships of the inflammatory response. A sample graphic organizer is shown below: Inflammatory response is triggered by damaged or infected cells consume invading pathogens which causes which release which attracts chemical alarm signals increased capillary permeability which cause white blood cells blood vessel dilation which which causes which causes suppresses bacterial growth which swelling temperature increases
2nd Line of Defense: Phagocyte WAIT TO WRITE NOTES FOR NEXT SLIDE. 2nd Line of Defense: Phagocyte Phagocytes ingest bacterial germs through phagocytosis.
2nd Line of Defense: Interferon WAIT TO WRITE NOTES FOR NEXT SLIDE. 2nd Line of Defense: Interferon Interferons are a protein that has the property of inhibiting virus replication.
Inflammatory Response Example of 2nd line of defense Role 1) Phagocyte (macrophage) (non-specific) Protein released by animal cells Phagocytes ingest bacterial germs through phagocytosis. 2) Interferon Has the property of inhibiting virus replication. 3) Inflammatory response Reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or infection. Produces millions of White Blood Cells, to fight the infection or injury 4) Fever Releases chemicals that increase the core body temperature An elevated temperature slows down or stops the growth of pathogens.
3rd Line of Defense: Immune Response WAIT TO WRITE NOTES FOR NEXT SLIDE. 3rd Line of Defense: Immune Response The immune response attacks specific pathogens using specialized cells and proteins. T cells, B cells, and antibody To the Teacher: Have students who have had chickenpox raise their hands. Have them keep their hands raised if they had it more than once. Ask them to explain why most, if not all, hands went down in response to the second question.
Example of 3rd line of defense Role 1) T cell (specific) White blood cells that attack and kill harmful bacteria. 2) B cell White blood cells that make antibodies. 3) Antibody Y-shaped protein that attaches to a specific foreign substance, known as an antigen.
What is the essential question? Now that you know the definitions highlighted, use your notes and knowledge of the immune system to answer this as a group. (3 minutes) I WILL CALL ON YOU FOR RESPONSES!!! What is the essential question? Why is the immune response considered a specific defense against pathogens, while the inflammatory response is considered a nonspecific defense? Answer: The immune response is targeted toward pathogens it remembers. Memory cells continue to patrol the body’s tissues, circulating through the blood and lymph for long periods of time and responding quickly against pathogens they recognize. The inflammatory response can inhibit the growth of pathogens and stimulate macrophage action, but the inflammatory response is not selective.
The Inflammatory Response 2nd Line of Defense ; Nonspecific
The Immune Response 3rd Line of Defense ; Specific
The Essential Question Answered Specific Defense Nonspecific Defense Role of immune response immune response is targeted toward pathogens it remembers Memory cells continue to patrol the body’s tissues, circulating through the blood and lymph for long periods of time and responding quickly against pathogens they recognize Role of inflammatory response inflammatory response can inhibit the growth of pathogens and stimulate macrophage action, but the inflammatory response is not selective
Lines of Defense (30 minutes) Immune system dominoes
Independent Practice COMPLETE SILENTLY… 10 minutes!
Exit Ticket COMPLETE SILENTLY… 10 minutes!
Homework: Venn-Diagram Due NEXT CLASS!!!!!!
Nonspecific Response vs. Specific Response Compare nonspecific response vs. specific response by completing the Venn diagram. Write similarities where the circles overlap, and differences on the left and right sides. Be ready to share! Nonspecific Response Specific Response ______________ ________________________ ______________ ________________________ ______________ ________________________ ________ Analogy with a football team????? Activity? Football teams and lines of defense?? Agenda: Power notes I DO Football activity WE DO Venn diagram YOU DO